on rightclick on oak button:
if player's tool is glass pane with name "&aLevel &e1 &aAccess Card" with lore "&eAccess to level &61 &edoors":
#Do something here, it could be placing a redstone block, then removing it, or doing something else, whatever you choose
if player's tool is glass pane with name "&aLevel &e2 &aAccess Card" with lore "&eAccess to level &62 &edoors":
#Do whatever you want
if player's tool is glass pane with name "&aLevel &e3 &aAccess Card" with lore "&eAccess to level &63 &edoors":
#Do whatever you want
if player's tool is glass pane with name "&aLevel &e4 &aAccess Card" with lore "&eAccess to level &64 &edoors":
#Do whatever you want
if player's tool is glass pane with name "&aLevel &e5 &aAccess Card" with lore "&eAccess to level &65 &edoors":
#Do whatever you want
command /givekeycard <number>:
permission: {keycards.admin} #I have no fricking clue how to use permissions, if i did this wrong, please remove it
Usage: /givekeycard <keycard number>
if arg-1 is 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5:
give player glass pane with name "&aLevel &e%arg-1% &aAccess Card" with lore "&eAccess to level &6%arg-1% &edoors"
send "&cThats not a valid keycard number! The valid numbers are &41&c, &42,&c, &43&c, &44&c, &45&c!"