is there a way to send a message with a suggest command that uses a variable for the command

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Dry Bonnoe

Jun 18, 2022
this is my code
command /suggest <text> <text>:
    aliases: /sugg, /sug, /suggestcommand, /suggestcom
    permission: skript.suggestcommand
    permission message: &cYou can't do this!
    cooldown: 5 seconds
    cooldown message: &cYou must wait before doing this again!
    usage: &cUsage: /suggest <command> <description>
        send "<suggest command:/%arg-1%>/%arg-1% description:%arg-2%" to all players
when i try to do /sug shop test it says <suggest command:/shop>/shop description: test
I don't get what you're trying to do tbh, for me your code works as you made it intend to do
well for me it doesnt work i might need a plugin or its my version im on 1.19

You said you get "<suggest command:/shop>/shop description: test" as the result right ?
That's what your code is asking it to do. I still do not understand what is the problem.
If you could be more clear on what is the problem, what is the result you want.
You said you get "<suggest command:/shop>/shop description: test" as the result right ?
That's what your code is asking it to do. I still do not understand what is the problem.
If you could be more clear on what is the problem, what is the result you want.
if you send <suggest command:command> its meant to type the command for the player when they click on it like "<suggest command:/shop>test" when a player clicks on it it would time /shop for the player
You have to make your text clickable and redirecting to the command. You're just sending raw text rn.

EDIT: I feel a bit stupid, but forgot that <suggest command:command> was a thing ..
Doesn't work for me either so u should try the code below (SkBee required)

command /suggest <text> <text>:
    aliases: /sugg, /sug, /suggestcommand, /suggestcom
    permission: skript.suggestcommand
    permission message: &cYou can't do this!
    cooldown: 5 seconds
    cooldown message: &cYou must wait before doing this again!
    usage: &cUsage: /suggest <command> <description>
        set {_t} to text component from "/%arg-1% description:%arg-2%" #text you're sending to player
        set click event of {_t} to a new click event to run command arg-1 #make it clickable and run the command arg1
        send component {_t} to all players #send it to player
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