"Is not a text"

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Jan 22, 2018
Hello There! I am working on a Troll plugin and I am encountering some issues Here is my code...
command /troll [<player>]:
        permission: Troll.Use
        permission message: &cTroll> Permission Denied
        if arg-1 is set:
            open chest with 3 rows named "&c&lTroll %arg-1%" to player
            format slot 0 of player with redstone named "&cKill Player" to close then run [execute console command "kill %arg-1%"]
            format slot 1 of player with arrow named "&c&lFar TP" to close then run [execute console command "tp %arg-1% 1000000 10000 100000"]
            format slot 2 of player with paper named "&c&lNaughty" to close then run [broadcast "&7%arg-1%: Fuck"]
            format slot 3 of player with barrier named "&c&lFake Ban" to close then run [broadcast "&cPunishment>> %arg-1% was banned by console"]
            format slot 4 of player with feather named "&c&lSANICC!!!!" to close then run [execute console command "speed 10 %arg-1%"]

Here is my error on reload...

[20:27:50 INFO]: [Skript] Reloading troll.sk...
[20:27:50 ERROR]: '"&c&lFake Ban" to close then run [broadcast "&cPunishment>> %
arg-1% was banned by console"]' is not a text (troll.sk, line 8: format slot 3 o
f player with barrier named "&c&lFake Ban" to close then run [broadcast "&cPunis
hment>> %arg-1% was banned by console"]')
[20:27:50 INFO]: [Skript] Encountered 1 error while reloading troll.sk!
I looked at the error and checked code I can not track down the issue I also compared it with some of my other working projects to see if I was missing something but It seemed fine please help.
command /troll [<player>]:
  permission: troll.use
  permission message: &cTroll> Permission Denied.
    arg 1 is set:
      open chest with 3 rows named "&c&lTroll %arg 1%" to executor
      format slot 0 of executor with redstone named "&cKill %arg 1%" to close then run [kill the arg 1]
      format slot 1 of executor with arrow named "&cFar TP" to close then run [make console execute command "/tp %arg 1% 100000 1000 10000"]
      format slot 2 of executor with paper named "&cNaughty" to close then run [broadcast "&7%arg 1%: Fuck"]
      format slot 3 of executor with barrier named "&cFake Ban" to close then run [broadcast "&cPunishment» %arg 1% was banned by console"]
      format slot 4 of executor with feather named "&c&lSANICC!!!!" to close then run [apply speed 10 to arg 1 for 99999 minutes]
    else if arg 1 is not set:
      send "&cUsage: /troll <online player>." to executor
Try this
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