Solved Is it true that in 1.8+ you have to use %player's uuid% not %player% in variables?

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Feb 1, 2017
Because if the player changes their name they will lose these variabless

is it true?
only 1.8+? I think not. i think overall time. if you use "%player%" will it save to Players name. Like you already write, if he changed name. will the name lost. Yeah. But UUID will NEVER be changed. so its better to use %player's uuid% instead %player%. just use %player% only send message example.

Also what is the diff between
{sql_.antispambot.%player's uuid%}

and this

{sql_.antispambot.%uuid of player%}
If you use a cracked server with AuthMe or something like that, the server don't use UUID's. So if the player changes his minecraft nick, it will login into another account.

I have a cracked server and I use %player%.
@ChisleLP and @aescraft What about this?,


Just change it to

{sql_.vanish.%loop-player's uuid%}

Right? :emoji_slight_smile:
@ChisleLP Also what about this?

"add loop-value to {_vanish::*}"

do i need to change it to

"add loop-value's uuid to {_vanish::*}"

Yes or No?
You can change that in the file. You just have to set the following option to true:

use player UUIDs in variable names: true
Since {_vanish::*} is a temp variable , you can just add the player , don't need to add the uuid of him.
You can change that in the file. You just have to set the following option to true:

use player UUIDs in variable names: true
so.... i just changed all of my variables for no reason?!!!!

You can leave it and it will work just fine. But yes, you did not have to change it.
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