Inventory Item transfer

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Active Member
Jan 28, 2017
Skript version: 2.2
Mc Version: 1.10.2

Hello so is there any way on the command /post <player> it will give the <player> the person who ran the command's book that has the name "Tester". So the book was in the inverntory of the person to ran the command at first but after the command the book is now in the <player> inventory. Sorry for the bad english! Any help will be apprecitated.
So, you want transfer the book named "Tester" to the player-argument's inventory? Just loop through the items in the player's inventory, check if the looped item is a book named "Tester", give the looped item to the player-argument and remove it from the event-player's inventory.
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So, you want transfer the book named "Tester" to the player-argument's inventory? Just loop through the items in the player's inventory, check if the looped item is a book named "Tester", give the looped item to the player-argument and remove it from the event-player's inventory.
How would I move it item to the other player that's why I made this thread in the first place for the code.
How would I move it item to the other player that's why I made this thread in the first place for the code.
I'm not going to spoon feed you, and I hope others will not also. Go read the docs and try it yourself, it's not as hard as it seems and I've clearly explained how do it.