Internal Error Occurs with GUI Skripts

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Aug 8, 2018
Hello, on my server we recently added a kitgui skript and a warpgui skript, we are not sure if there are any other skripts that are showing this, these guis create a virtual chest. We have tested it with virtual hopper, and a different name, and it is working fine. We have uninstalled Essentials to check if it is interfering, but it isn't.
Here is the code for the WarpGUI:
command /warps:
    aliases: /warp
            create a gui with virtual chest with 3 row named "&bInferos &3Warps":
                format gui slot 0 with blue stained glass pane named "&b"
                format gui slot 1 with blue stained glass pane named "&b"
                format gui slot 2 with blue stained glass pane named "&b"       
                format gui slot 3 with blue stained glass pane named "&b"
                format gui slot 4 with blue stained glass pane named "&b"
                format gui slot 5 with blue stained glass pane named "&b"
                format gui slot 6 with blue stained glass pane named "&b"
                format gui slot 7 with blue stained glass pane named "&b"
                format gui slot 8 with blue stained glass pane named "&b"
                format gui slot 9 with blue stained glass pane named "&b"
                format gui slot 10 with wooden door named "&fIsland Home" with lore "&7Warp to your island!":
                    wait 3 ticks
                    make player execute command "/is home"
                format gui slot 11 with blue stained glass pane named "&b"
                format gui slot 12 with nether star named "&fInformation & Help" with lore "&7Need help? Click this!":
                    wait 3 ticks
                    make player execute command "/warp help"
                format gui slot 13 with paper named "&fBank" with lore "&7Withdraw, deposit or ask for a loan!":
                    wait 3 ticks
                    make player execute command "/warp bank"
                format gui slot 14 with blue stained glass pane named "&b"
                format gui slot 15 with diamond sword named "&fKoTH & PvP" with lore "&7Go and fight your enemies and compete in our daily KoTH!":
                    wait 3 ticks
                    make player execute command "/warp pvp"
                format gui slot 16 with blue stained glass pane named "&b"
                format gui slot 17 with blue stained glass pane named "&b"
                format gui slot 18 with blue stained glass pane named "&b"       
                format gui slot 19 with blue stained glass pane named "&b"
                format gui slot 20 with blue stained glass pane named "&b"
                format gui slot 21 with blue stained glass pane named "&b"
                format gui slot 22 with blue stained glass pane named "&b"
                format gui slot 23 with blue stained glass pane named "&b"
                format gui slot 24 with blue stained glass pane named "&b"
                format gui slot 25 with blue stained glass pane named "&b"
            open last gui to player
code for the kitgui:
command /kits:
    aliases: /kit
        wait 1 tick
        create a gui with virtual chest with 3 row named "&bInferos &3Kits":
            format gui slot 0 with blue stained glass pane named "&b"
            format gui slot 1 with blue stained glass pane named "&b"
            format gui slot 2 with blue stained glass pane named "&b"       
            format gui slot 3 with blue stained glass pane named "&b"
            format gui slot 4 with blue stained glass pane named "&b"
            format gui slot 5 with blue stained glass pane named "&b"
            format gui slot 6 with blue stained glass pane named "&b"
            format gui slot 7 with blue stained glass pane named "&b"
            format gui slot 8 with blue stained glass pane named "&b"
            format gui slot 9 with blue stained glass pane named "&b"
            format gui slot 10 with diamond sword named "&7Explorer Kit &8(&7Click&8)" with lore "&fClick to preview items!":
                wait 2 ticks
                make player execute command "/explorer"
            format gui slot 11 with diamond sword named "&2Demon Kit &8(&7Click&8)" with lore "&fClick to preview items!":
                wait 2 ticks
                make player execute command "/demon"
            format gui slot 12 with diamond sword named "&eDragon Kit &8(&7Click&8)" with lore "&fClick to preview items!":
                wait 2 ticks
                make player execute command "/dragon"
            format gui slot 13 with diamond sword named "&dPhoenix Kit &8(&7Click&8)" with lore "&fClick to preview items!":
                wait 2 ticks
                make player execute command "/phoenix"
            format gui slot 14 with diamond sword named "&3Fury Kit &8(&7Click&8)" with lore "&fClick to preview items!":
                wait 2 ticks
                make player execute command "/fury"
            format gui slot 15 with diamond sword named "&6Infernum Kit &8(&7Click&8)" with lore "&fClick to preview items!":
                wait 2 ticks
                make player execute command "/infernum"
            format gui slot 16 with blue stained glass pane named "&b"
            format gui slot 17 with blue stained glass pane named "&b"
            format gui slot 18 with blue stained glass pane named "&b"
            format gui slot 19 with blue stained glass pane named "&b"   
            format gui slot 20 with blue stained glass pane named "&b"
            format gui slot 21 with blue stained glass pane named "&b"
            format gui slot 22 with blue stained glass pane named "&b"
            format gui slot 23 with blue stained glass pane named "&b"
            format gui slot 24 with blue stained glass pane named "&b"
            format gui slot 25 with blue stained glass pane named "&b"
            format gui slot 26 with blue stained glass pane named "&b"
            format gui slot 27 with blue stained glass pane named "&b"
        open last gui to player
command /explorer:
        wait 1 tick
        create a gui with virtual chest with 5 rows named "&7Explorer Kit":
            format gui slot 0 with iron helmet of protection 1, unbreaking 1 named "&8[&7Explorer Kit&8]"
            format gui slot 1 with iron chestplate of protection 1, unbreaking 1 named "&8[&7Explorer Kit&8]"       
            format gui slot 2 with iron leggings of protection 1, unbreaking 1 named "&8[&7Explorer Kit&8]"
            format gui slot 3 with iron boots of protection 1, unbreaking 1 named "&8[&7Explorer Kit&8]"
            format gui slot 4 with iron sword of sharpness 1, unbreaking 1 named "&8[&7Explorer Kit&8]"
            format gui slot 5 with iron shovel of efficiency 1, unbreaking 1 named "&8[&7Explorer Kit&8]"
            format gui slot 6 with iron pickaxe of efficiency 1, unbreaking 1 named "&8[&7Explorer Kit&8]"
            format gui slot 7 with iron axe of efficiency 1, unbreaking 1 named "&8[&7Explorer Kit&8]"
            format gui slot 8 with 16 steak named "&fSteak"
            format gui slot 9 with 2 coal block named "&fBlock of Coal"
            format gui slot 10 with 2 iron block named "&fBlock of Iron"
            format gui slot 11 with 2 lapis block named "&fBlock of Lapis"
            format gui slot 12 with 2 gold block named "&fBlock of Gold"
            format gui slot 13 with 2 diamond block named "&fBlock of Diamond"
            format gui slot 14 with 2 emerald block named "&fBlock of Emerald"
            format gui slot 15 with 64 cobble stone named "&fCobblestone"
            format gui slot 16 with 32 dirt named "&fDirt"
            format gui slot 44 with diamond named "&fReceive Kit &7Explorer &8(&7Click&8)":
                if player has permission "essentials.kits.explorer":
                    make player execute command "/kit explorer"
                    message "&c&l(!) &cYou do not have the required permission!"
        open last gui to player
command /demon:
        wait 1 tick
        create a gui with virtual chest with 5 rows named "&2Demon Kit":
            format gui slot 0 with iron helmet of protection 2, unbreaking 2 named "&8[&2Demon Kit&8]"
            format gui slot 1 with iron chestplate of protection 2, unbreaking 2 named "&8[&2Demon Kit&8]"
            format gui slot 2 with iron leggings of protection 2, unbreaking 2 named "&8[&2Demon Kit&8]"
            format gui slot 3 with iron boots of protection 2, unbreaking 2 named "&8[&2Demon Kit&8]"
            format gui slot 4 with iron sword of sharpness 2, unbreaking 2 named "&8[&2Demon Kit&8]"
            format gui slot 5 with iron shovel of efficiency 2, unbreaking 2 named "&8[&2Demon Kit&8]"
            format gui slot 6 with iron pickaxe of efficiency 2, unbreaking 2 named "&8[&2Demon Kit&8]"
            format gui slot 7 with iron axe of efficiency 2, unbreaking 2 named "&8[&2Demon Kit&8]"
            format gui slot 8 with 32 steak named "&fSteak"
            format gui slot 9 with 3 coal block named "&fBlock of Coal"
            format gui slot 10 with 3 iron block named "&fBlock of Iron"
            format gui slot 11 with 3 lapis block named "&fBlock of Lapis"
            format gui slot 12 with 3 gold block named "&fBlock of Gold"
            format gui slot 13 with 3 diamond block named "&fBlock of Diamond"
            format gui slot 14 with 3 emerald block named "&fBlock of Emerald"
            format gui slot 15 with 64 cobble stone named "&fCobblestone"
            format gui slot 16 with 64 cobble stone named "&fCobblestone"
            format gui slot 17 with 64 dirt named "&fDirt"
            format gui slot 18 with 32 dirt named "&fDirt"
            format gui slot 44 with diamond named "&fReceive Kit &2Demon &8(&7Click&8)":
                wait 3 ticks
                if player has permission "essentials.kits.demon":
                    make player execute command "/kit demon"
                    message "&c&l(!) &cYou do not have the required permission!"
        open last gui to player
command /dragon:
        wait 1 tick
        create a gui with virtual chest with 5 rows named "&eDragon Kit":
            format gui slot 0 with diamond helmet of protection 3, unbreaking 2 named "&8[&eDragon Kit&8]"
            format gui slot 1 with diamond chestplate of protection 3, unbreaking 2 named "&8[&eDragon Kit&8]"
            format gui slot 2 with diamond leggings of protection 3, unbreaking 2 named "&8[&eDragon Kit&8]"
            format gui slot 3 with diamond boots of protection 3, unbreaking 2 named "&8[&eDragon Kit&8]"
            format gui slot 4 with diamond sword of sharpness 3, unbreaking 2 named "&8[&eDragon Kit&8]"
            format gui slot 5 with diamond shovel of efficiency 3, unbreaking 2 named "&8[&eDragon Kit&8]"
            format gui slot 6 with diamond pickaxe of efficiency 3, unbreaking 2 named "&8[&eDragon Kit&8]"
            format gui slot 7 with diamond axe of efficiency 3, unbreaking 2 named "&8[&eDragon Kit&8]"
            format gui slot 8 with 48 steak named "&fSteak"
            format gui slot 9 with 5 coal block named "&fBlock of Coal"
            format gui slot 10 with 5 iron block named "&fBlock of Iron"
            format gui slot 11 with 5 lapis block named "&fBlock of Lapis"
            format gui slot 12 with 5 gold block named "&fBlock of Gold"
            format gui slot 13 with 5 diamond block named "&fBlock of Diamond"
            format gui slot 14 with 5 emerald block named "&fBlock of Emerald"
            format gui slot 15 with 64 cobble stone named "&fCobblestone"
            format gui slot 16 with 64 cobble stone named "&fCobblestone"
            format gui slot 17 with 64 cobble stone named "&fCobblestone"
            format gui slot 18 with 64 cobble stone named "&fCobblestone"
            format gui slot 19 with 64 dirt named "&fDirt"
            format gui slot 20 with 64 dirt named "&fDirt"
            format gui slot 21 with 64 dirt named "&fDirt"
            format gui slot 44 with diamond named "&fReceive Kit &eDragon &8(&7Click&8)":
                wait 3 ticks
                if player has permission "essentials.kits.dragon":
                    make player execute command "/kit dragon"
                    message "&c&l(!) &cYou do not have the required permission!"
        open last gui to player
command /phoenix:
        wait 1 tick
        create a gui with virtual chest with 5 rows named "&dPhoenix Kit":
            format gui slot 0 with diamond helmet of protection 4, unbreaking 3 named "&8[&dPhoenix Kit&8]"
            format gui slot 1 with diamond chestplate of protection 4, unbreaking 3 named "&8[&dPhoenix Kit&8]"
            format gui slot 2 with diamond leggings of protection 4, unbreaking 3 named "&8[&dPhoenix Kit&8]"
            format gui slot 3 with diamond boots of protection 4, unbreaking 3 named "&8[&dPhoenix Kit&8]"
            format gui slot 4 with diamond sword of sharpness 4, unbreaking 3, fire aspect 1 named "&8[&dPhoenix Kit&8]"
            format gui slot 5 with diamond shovel of efficiency 4, unbreaking 3 named "&8[&dPhoenix Kit&8]"
            format gui slot 6 with diamond pickaxe of efficiency 4, unbreaking 3 named "&8[&dPhoenix Kit&8]"
            format gui slot 7 with diamond axe of efficiency 4, unbreaking 3 named "&8[&dPhoenix Kit&8]"
            format gui slot 8 with 64 steak named "&fSteak"
            format gui slot 9 with 8 coal block named "&fBlock of Coal"
            format gui slot 10 with 8 iron block named "&fBlock of Iron"
            format gui slot 11 with 8 lapis block named "&fBlock of Lapis"
            format gui slot 12 with 8 gold block named "&fBlock of Gold"
            format gui slot 13 with 8 diamond block named "&fBlock of Diamond"
            format gui slot 14 with 8 emerald block named "&fBlock of Emerald"
            format gui slot 15 with 64 cobble stone named "&fCobblestone"
            format gui slot 16 with 64 cobble stone named "&fCobblestone"
            format gui slot 17 with 64 cobble stone named "&fCobblestone"
            format gui slot 18 with 64 cobble stone named "&fCobblestone"
            format gui slot 19 with 64 cobble stone named "&fCobblestone"
            format gui slot 20 with 64 cobble stone named "&fCobblestone"
            format gui slot 21 with 64 cobble stone named "&fCobblestone"
            format gui slot 22 with 64 dirt named "&fDirt"
            format gui slot 23 with 64 dirt named "&fDirt"
            format gui slot 24 with 64 dirt named "&fDirt"
            format gui slot 25 with 64 dirt named "&fDirt"
            format gui slot 26 with 64 dirt named "&fDirt"
            format gui slot 27 with 32 dirt named "&fDirt"
            format gui slot 44 with diamond named "&fReceive Kit &dPhoenix &8(&7Click&8)":
                wait 3 ticks
                if player has permission "essentials.kits.phoenix":
                    make player execute command "/kit phoenix"
                    message "&c&l(!) &cYou do not have the required permission!"
        open last gui to player
command /fury:
        wait 1 tick
        create a gui with virtual chest with 5 rows named "&3Fury Kit":
            format gui slot 0 with diamond helmet of protection 4, unbreaking 3 named "&8[&3Fury Kit&8]"
            format gui slot 1 with diamond chestplate of protection 4, unbreaking 3 named "&8[&3Fury Kit&8]"
            format gui slot 2 with diamond leggings of protection 4, unbreaking 3 named "&8[&3Fury Kit&8]"
            format gui slot 3 with diamond boots of protection 4, unbreaking 3 named "&8[&3Fury Kit&8]"
            format gui slot 4 with diamond sword of sharpness 4, unbreaking 3, fire aspect 1 named "&8[&3Fury Kit&8]"
            format gui slot 5 with diamond shovel of efficiency 4, unbreaking 3 named "&8[&3Fury Kit&8]"
            format gui slot 6 with diamond pickaxe of efficiency 4, unbreaking 3 named "&8[&3Fury Kit&8]"
            format gui slot 7 with diamond axe of efficiency 4, unbreaking 3 named "&8[&3Fury Kit&8]"
            format gui slot 8 with 64 steak named "&fSteak"
            format gui slot 9 with 10 coal block named "&fBlock of Coal"
            format gui slot 10 with 10 iron block named "&fBlock of Iron"
            format gui slot 11 with 10 lapis block named "&fBlock of Lapis"
            format gui slot 12 with 10 gold block named "&fBlock of Gold"
            format gui slot 13 with 10 diamond block named "&fBlock of Diamond"
            format gui slot 14 with 10 emerald block named "&fBlock of Emerald"
            format gui slot 15 with 64 cobble stone named "&fCobblestone"
            format gui slot 16 with 64 cobble stone named "&fCobblestone"
            format gui slot 17 with 64 cobble stone named "&fCobblestone"
            format gui slot 18 with 64 cobble stone named "&fCobblestone"
            format gui slot 19 with 64 cobble stone named "&fCobblestone"
            format gui slot 20 with 64 cobble stone named "&fCobblestone"
            format gui slot 21 with 64 cobble stone named "&fCobblestone"
            format gui slot 22 with 64 cobble stone named "&fCobblestone"
            format gui slot 23 with 64 cobble stone named "&fCobblestone"
            format gui slot 24 with 64 dirt named "&fDirt"
            format gui slot 25 with 64 dirt named "&fDirt"
            format gui slot 26 with 64 dirt named "&fDirt"
            format gui slot 27 with 64 dirt named "&fDirt"
            format gui slot 28 with 64 dirt named "&fDirt"
            format gui slot 29 with 64 dirt named "&fDirt"
            format gui slot 30 with 64 dirt named "&fDirt"
            format gui slot 31 with 32 dirt named "&fDirt"
            format gui slot 44 with diamond named "&fReceive Kit &3Fury &8(&7Click&8)":
                wait 3 ticks
                if player has permission "essentials.kits.fury":
                    make player execute command "/kit fury"
                    message "&c&l(!) &cYou do not have the required permission!"
        open last gui to player
command /infernum:
        wait 1 tick
        create a gui with virtual chest with 5 rows named "&6Infernum Kit":
            format gui slot 0 with diamond helmet of protection 4, unbreaking 3 named "&8[&6Infernum Kit&8]"
            format gui slot 1 with diamond chestplate of protection 4, unbreaking 3 named "&8[&6Infernum Kit&8]"
            format gui slot 2 with diamond leggings of protection 4, unbreaking 3 named "&8[&6Infernum Kit&8]"
            format gui slot 3 with diamond boots of protection 4, unbreaking 3 named "&8[&6Infernum Kit&8]"
            format gui slot 4 with diamond sword of sharpness 5, unbreaking 3, fire aspect 2 named "&8[&6Infernum Kit&8]"
            format gui slot 5 with diamond shovel of efficiency 5, unbreaking 3 named "&8[&6Infernum Kit&8]"
            format gui slot 6 with diamond pickaxe of efficiency 5, unbreaking 3 named "&8[&6Infernum Kit&8]"
            format gui slot 7 with diamond axe of efficiency 5, unbreaking 3 named "&8[&6Infernum Kit&8]"
            format gui slot 8 with 64 steak named "&fSteak"
            format gui slot 9 with 13 coal block named "&fBlock of Coal"
            format gui slot 10 with 13 iron block named "&fBlock of Iron"
            format gui slot 11 with 13 lapis block named "&fBlock of Lapis"
            format gui slot 12 with 13 gold block named "&fBlock of Gold"
            format gui slot 13 with 13 diamond block named "&fBlock of Diamond"
            format gui slot 14 with 13 emerald block named "&fBlock of Emerald"
            format gui slot 15 with 64 cobble stone named "&fCobblestone"
            format gui slot 16 with 64 cobble stone named "&fCobblestone"
            format gui slot 17 with 64 cobble stone named "&fCobblestone"
            format gui slot 18 with 64 cobble stone named "&fCobblestone"
            format gui slot 19 with 64 cobble stone named "&fCobblestone"
            format gui slot 20 with 64 cobble stone named "&fCobblestone"
            format gui slot 21 with 64 cobble stone named "&fCobblestone"
            format gui slot 22 with 64 cobble stone named "&fCobblestone"
            format gui slot 23 with 64 cobble stone named "&fCobblestone"
            format gui slot 24 with 64 cobble stone named "&fCobblestone"
            format gui slot 25 with 64 cobble stone named "&fCobblestone"
            format gui slot 26 with 64 dirt named "&fDirt"
            format gui slot 27 with 64 dirt named "&fDirt"
            format gui slot 28 with 64 dirt named "&fDirt"
            format gui slot 29 with 64 dirt named "&fDirt"
            format gui slot 30 with 64 dirt named "&fDirt"
            format gui slot 31 with 64 dirt named "&fDirt"
            format gui slot 32 with 64 dirt named "&fDirt"
            format gui slot 33 with 64 dirt named "&fDirt"
            format gui slot 34 with 64 dirt named "&fDirt"
            format gui slot 44 with diamond named "&fReceive Kit &6Infernum &8(&7Click&8)":
                wait 3 ticks
                if player has permission "essentials.kits.infernum":
                    make player execute command "/kit infernum"
                    message "&c&l(!) &cYou do not have the required permission!"
        open last gui to player
this is needed to be fixed urgently
First of all, this is the Request forum, intended for people to request Skripts to be written for them. IF you want help with a skript use the skript help forum HERE
Second, the reason its not working is because its written wrong, you dont put colons are an effect like opening a chest to someone, and you also dont need to indent the subsequent lines after opening the chest to the player.