ImageryAPI - Take pictures in Minecraft

Addon ImageryAPI - Take pictures in Minecraft 1.1.3

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New Member
Dec 3, 2017
Rotterdam, The Netherlands
jensjeflensje submitted a new resource:

ImageryAPI - Take pictures in Minecraft - Toolkit for taking pictures and videos in Minecraft


A toolkit for taking pictures and videos in Minecraft. This library mainly consists of an image capture utility that will return images when given a location (and sometimes other options). It looks something like this (left is generated by ImageryAPI, right is a normal Minecraft screenshot)...

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You can possibly make it spit out some json/yaml file that can then be put into an external software to generate a better screenshot/video
You can possibly make it spit out some json/yaml file that can then be put into an external software to generate a better screenshot/video
I understand the thinking, but I think writing the necessary info to a file and sending that to create an image that’s even on-par with this one is probably going to be more overhead than generating the image itself on the server :emoji_stuck_out_tongue:

It does open possibilities for a texture-based approach, because that’s just way more resource intensive

Thanks for the suggestion though! If you have any solid ideas on how to improve the addon, then please send me a message on discord or create a GitHub issue :emoji_slight_smile: