Im Stupid Please Help

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Oct 18, 2023
Im making a /invis command that should allow me to use it on any player
However I have no idea how to pass the player as an argument to inside the skript.
My code:
Command /invis <player>:
permission: skript.invistru
If {invis} is not set:
Send "&bInvis mode is now &3enabled&b." to player
apply invisibility of tier 1 without particles to player for 99999 seconds
Set {invis} to true
Send "&bInvis mode is now &3disabled&b." to player
remove invisibility from player
Delete {invis}
Just use arg-1 instead of player, since the command argument is expecting a player object. The 'player' in this command would be the command sender.
Sup, you can try this:
command /invis <player>:
    permission: skript.invistru
        if {invis.%arg-1%} is not set:
            send "&bInvis mode is now &3enabled&b." to arg-1
            apply invisibility of tier 1 without particles to arg-1 for 99999 seconds
            set {invis.%arg-1%} to true
            send "&bInvis mode is now &3disabled&b." to arg-1
            remove invisibility from arg-1
            delete {invis.%arg-1%}
Sup, you can try this:
command /invis <player>:
    permission: skript.invistru
        if {invis.%arg-1%} is not set:
            send "&bInvis mode is now &3enabled&b." to arg-1
            apply invisibility of tier 1 without particles to arg-1 for 99999 seconds
            set {invis.%arg-1%} to true
            send "&bInvis mode is now &3disabled&b." to arg-1
            remove invisibility from arg-1
            delete {invis.%arg-1%}
Thank you, and if you have a second, how do i make it so if they do /invis it will just do them?
is that a alias?
Im not sure if i understand you, but if you want to make it so the player him self can apply invis, you will just replace "arg-1" with "player".
command /invis:
    permission: skript.invistru
        if {invis.%player%} is not set:
            send "&bInvis mode is now &3enabled&b." to player
            apply invisibility of tier 1 without particles to player for 99999 seconds
            set {invis.%player%} to true
            send "&bInvis mode is now &3disabled&b." to player
            remove invisibility from player
            delete {invis.%player%}
Im not sure if i understand you, but if you want to make it so the player him self can apply invis, you will just replace "arg-1" with "player".
command /invis:
    permission: skript.invistru
        if {invis.%player%} is not set:
            send "&bInvis mode is now &3enabled&b." to player
            apply invisibility of tier 1 without particles to player for 99999 seconds
            set {invis.%player%} to true
            send "&bInvis mode is now &3disabled&b." to player
            remove invisibility from player
            delete {invis.%player%}
no, I mean if they run /invis they get invised but if they do /invis herobrine he gets invised
Im not sure if i understand you, but if you want to make it so the player him self can apply invis, you will just replace "arg-1" with "player".
command /invis:
    permission: skript.invistru
        if {invis.%player%} is not set:
            send "&bInvis mode is now &3enabled&b." to player
            apply invisibility of tier 1 without particles to player for 99999 seconds
            set {invis.%player%} to true
            send "&bInvis mode is now &3disabled&b." to player
            remove invisibility from player
            delete {invis.%player%}
don't use .%player% use ::%player's uuid%
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Nice story bro.

Edit: Yo, alex cooper thought i need help with my class but when i said i don't need help, he said bye!!! Your "Course For Me-Do My Online Course" is defently a scam!
no, I mean if they run /invis they get invised but if they do /invis herobrine he gets invised
i made this it should do that i also made it so if they die they keep their invis :emoji_slight_smile:
command /invis [<player>]:
    permission: skript.invistru
        if arg-1 is set:
            if {invis::%arg-1's uuid%} is not set:
                send "&bInvis mode is now &3enabled&b." to arg-1
                apply infinite invisibility of tier 1 without particles to arg-1
                set {invis::%arg-1's uuid%} to true
                send "&bInvis mode is now &3disabled&b." to arg-1
                remove invisibility from arg-1
                delete {invis::%arg-1's uuid%}
            if {invis::%player's uuid%} is not set:
                send "&bInvis mode is now &3enabled&b." to player
                apply infinite invisibility of tier 1 without particles to player
                set {invis::%player's uuid%} to true
                send "&bInvis mode is now &3disabled&b." to player
                remove invisibility from player

on death of player:
    if {invis::%player's uuid%} is true:
        set {effects::%player's uuid%::*} to player's potion effects

on respawn:
    if {invis::%player's uuid%} is true:
        apply {effects::%player's uuid%::*} to player
        delete {effects::%player's uuid%::*}