i was wondering if my skirpt was good ?

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Oct 11, 2023
on drop:
if name of player's tool is "":
if player doesn't have permission "recycleredits":
cancel event
on inventory click:
if name of player's tool is "":
if player doesn't have permission "recycleredits":
cancel event
on right click:
if right clicked block is yellow_shulker_box:
set {_recyclerid} to location of event-block
cancel event
open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "&2 recycler" to player
loop 9 times:
set slot (loop-value - 1) of player's current inventory to light gray stained glass pane named ""
loop 9 times:
set slot (loop-value + 17) of player's current inventory to light gray stained glass pane named ""
set slot 22 of player's current inventory to red stained glass pane named "&4off"
set slot 10 of player's current inventory to {data::%{_recyclerid}%::slot10}
set slot 11 of player's current inventory to {data::%{_recyclerid}%::slot11}
set slot 12 of player's current inventory to {data::%{_recyclerid}%::slot12}
set slot 14 of player's current inventory to {data::%{_recyclerid}%::slot14}
set slot 15 of player's current inventory to {data::%{_recyclerid}%::slot15}
set slot 16 of player's current inventory to {data::%{_recyclerid}%::slot16}
on inventory close:
if name of event-inventory is "&2 recycler":
set {_recyclerid} to location of event-block
set {data::%{_recyclerid}%::slot10} to slot 10 of event-inventory
set {data::%{_recyclerid}%::slot11} to slot 11 of event-inventory
set {data::%{_recyclerid}%::slot12} to slot 12 of event-inventory
set {data::%{_recyclerid}%::slot14} to slot 14 of event-inventory
set {data::%{_recyclerid}%::slot15} to slot 15 of event-inventory
set {data::%{_recyclerid}%::slot16} to slot 16 of event-inventory
on inventory click:
if clicked slot is 22:
if name of event-inventory is "&2 recycler":
if clicked item is red stained glass pane named "&4off":
cancel event
set slot 22 of event-inventory to lime stained glass pane named "&2on"
if slot 10 of event-inventory is not air or slot 11 of event-inventory is not air or slot 12 of event-inventory is not air:
loop all items in event-inventory:
if loop-item is "insert item here": #copy that for more item
while amount of loop-item > 0:
if slot 14 of event-inventory is air:
set slot 14 of event-inventory to 1 of loop-item
remove 1 "insert item here" from loop item
else if slot 15 of event-inventory is air:
set slot 15 of event-inventory to 1 of loop-item
remove 1 "insert item here" from loop-item
else if slot 16 of event-inventory is air:
set slot 16 of event-inventory to 1 of loop-item
remove 1 "insert item here" from loop-item
drop loop-item at location of player
remove 1 iron_chestplate from loop-item
play sound "random.anvil_use" at player with volume 1 and pitch 1
wait 3 second
if slot 10 of event-inventory is air and slot 11 of event-inventory is air and slot 12 of event-inventory is air:
set slot 22 of player's current inventory to red stained glass pane named "&4off"
on drop:
if name of player's tool is "":
if player doesn't have permission "recycleredits":
cancel event
on inventory click:
if name of player's tool is "":
if player doesn't have permission "recycleredits":
cancel event
on right click:
if right clicked block is yellow_shulker_box:
set {_recyclerid} to location of event-block
cancel event
open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "&2 recycler" to player
loop 9 times:
set slot (loop-value - 1) of player's current inventory to light gray stained glass pane named ""
loop 9 times:
set slot (loop-value + 17) of player's current inventory to light gray stained glass pane named ""
set slot 22 of player's current inventory to red stained glass pane named "&4off"
set slot 10 of player's current inventory to {data::%{_recyclerid}%::slot10}
set slot 11 of player's current inventory to {data::%{_recyclerid}%::slot11}
set slot 12 of player's current inventory to {data::%{_recyclerid}%::slot12}
set slot 14 of player's current inventory to {data::%{_recyclerid}%::slot14}
set slot 15 of player's current inventory to {data::%{_recyclerid}%::slot15}
set slot 16 of player's current inventory to {data::%{_recyclerid}%::slot16}
on inventory close:
if name of event-inventory is "&2 recycler":
set {_recyclerid} to location of event-block
set {data::%{_recyclerid}%::slot10} to slot 10 of event-inventory
set {data::%{_recyclerid}%::slot11} to slot 11 of event-inventory
set {data::%{_recyclerid}%::slot12} to slot 12 of event-inventory
set {data::%{_recyclerid}%::slot14} to slot 14 of event-inventory
set {data::%{_recyclerid}%::slot15} to slot 15 of event-inventory
set {data::%{_recyclerid}%::slot16} to slot 16 of event-inventory
on inventory click:
if clicked slot is 22:
if name of event-inventory is "&2 recycler":
if clicked item is red stained glass pane named "&4off":
cancel event
set slot 22 of event-inventory to lime stained glass pane named "&2on"
if slot 10 of event-inventory is not air or slot 11 of event-inventory is not air or slot 12 of event-inventory is not air:
loop all items in event-inventory:
if loop-item is "insert item here": #copy that for more item
while amount of loop-item > 0:
if slot 14 of event-inventory is air:
set slot 14 of event-inventory to 1 of loop-item
remove 1 "insert item here" from loop item
else if slot 15 of event-inventory is air:
set slot 15 of event-inventory to 1 of loop-item
remove 1 "insert item here" from loop-item
else if slot 16 of event-inventory is air:
set slot 16 of event-inventory to 1 of loop-item
remove 1 "insert item here" from loop-item
drop loop-item at location of player
remove 1 iron_chestplate from loop-item
play sound "random.anvil_use" at player with volume 1 and pitch 1
wait 3 second
if slot 10 of event-inventory is air and slot 11 of event-inventory is air and slot 12 of event-inventory is air:
set slot 22 of player's current inventory to red stained glass pane named "&4off"
Just skimming through your Skript, I can tell you it's okay. It's decent for a start, but not optimized. In my opinion and through past experiences in coding GUIs, I found that you want to try and use functions if you can for them, especially if they have the same size/similar contents. This will save you a lot of space. Shorter code is always best! You can also utilize loops to make some parts of your current code shorter. I've provided examples of using a GUI for a function and looping below.

command test:
      set {_n} to 10
      loop 6 times:
         send "Number is now: %{_n}%"
         add 1 to {_n}

command opengui:
      customgui(player, diamond, "&9This is a diamond!")

function customgui(p: player, i: item, n: text) :: inventory:
    set {_g} to a new chest inventory with 1 row named "&bExample"
    set slot 4 of {_g} to {_i} named "%{_n}%" # Sets up an item with a name
    set slot 0 of {_g} to barrier named "&c&lx &cClose" # A close button
    open {_g} to {_p}
References for the examples I used:
Functions and Looping.