Adrenaline Shot thing

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Jun 18, 2024
I'm trying to make a potion where you drink it, it makes it so you are immune to damage for 30 seconds, but once the time ends, you get damaged with all of the damage you would of taken.
on drink:
  if player's held item is (#choose item):
    set {adrenilenshot%player%} to true
    set {adrenilin.player} to player
    wait 30 seconds
    set {adrenilenshot%player%} to false
    delete {adrenilin.player}

on damage:
  if victim is {adrenilin.player}:
    cancel event
if victim can compare to a variable use %{adrenilin.player}% instead
on drink:
  if player's held item is (#choose item):
    set {adrenilenshot%player%} to true
    set {adrenilin.player} to player
    wait 30 seconds
    set {adrenilenshot%player%} to false
    delete {adrenilin.player}

on damage:
  if victim is {adrenilin.player}:
    cancel event
ok several issues here

global vars
can only have 1 player at once
mfing wait 30 seconds
not storing the damage
no lists
i do loop all players, but i thnink is better with loop {adrenalinshot::*} but i'm not very sure how to work with this type of variables
    time: 5  #The time after which the player will receive damage.

on drink:
#    broadcast event-item # to take the item, now is set to a potion of regeneration 2 of 22 seconds named "-Potion Name"
    if event-item is potion of strong regeneration named "-Potion Name":
        set {adrenalinshot::%player's uuid%::time} to now

on damage:
    if {adrenalinshot::%victim's uuid%::time} is set:
        if {adrenalinshot::%victim's uuid%::time} was less than {@time} seconds ago:
            cancel event
            if {adrenalinshot::%victim's uuid%::damage} is set:
                add damage to {adrenalinshot::%victim's uuid%::damage}
            if {adrenalinshot::%victim's uuid%::damage} isn't set:
                set {adrenalinshot::%victim's uuid%::damage} to damage

every 1 second:
    loop all players:
        if {adrenalinshot::%loop-player's uuid%::time} is set:
            if {adrenalinshot::%loop-player's uuid%::time} was more than {@time} seconds ago:
                set {_damage} to {adrenalinshot::%loop-player's uuid%::damage}
                delete {adrenalinshot::%loop-player's uuid%::time}
                delete {adrenalinshot::%loop-player's uuid%::damage}
                damage loop-player by {_damage}
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