Solved I don't know how to use more than 1 command with a space in it

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Jan 22, 2023
I want to make a Skript and it would be good to make the commands like /home info instead of making /homeinfo but if I want to make more than 1 command with a space like /home clear and /home info it says command /home already exists.
Is there any way to fix that with normal Skript or an addon
No, that's how minecraft commands work. The first word is the command name, anything after a space is an argument.
You should use the argument system that Skript provides.
No, that's how minecraft commands work. The first word is the command name, anything after a space is an argument.
You should use the argument system that Skript provides.
Is it possible that u can still auto fill the commands with tab?
yes, player arguments will automatically complete, and you can add custom completions with skbee