How to make a variable parsed a number

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New Member
Nov 26, 2023
Hi. How do I make the variable {sc2} MUST a number?
on anvil gui click:
    if event-integer is 2:
        if title of event-anvil gui is "&lPrezzo":
            close player's inventory
            set {sc2} to event-text
            set {_sanvil3} to a new anvil gui named "&lProdotti" with default text "&f"
            open anvil gui {_sanvil3} to player
on anvil gui click:
    if event-integer is 2:
        if title of event-anvil gui is "&lProdotti":
            close player's inventory
            set {sc3} to event-text
            give 1 paper named "&2Scontrino" with lore "&r&7Cassiere: &r&e%player%", "&r&7Cliente: &r&e%{sc1}%","&r&7Prezzo: &r&e%{sc2}%","&r&7Prodotti: &r&e%{sc3}%" to player
You should be able to just do if {sc2} is a number
You could also do
set {sc2} to event-text parsed as number
on line 5. Similar thing on line 13.

Edit: It's a bit more common to do it this way. Keep in mind, though, that if event-text isn't a number, it'll return <none> after parsing. If it's guaranteed to be a number, go with this method. If you're not sure if it's a number or not (perhaps for user inputs or something like that), go with BaeFell's suggestion.
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You should be able to just do if {sc2} is a number
This variable not working if i typed for example "100"

on anvil gui click:
    if event-integer is 2:
        if title of event-anvil gui is "&lProdotti":
            close player's inventory
            set {sc3} to event-text
            if {sc2} is a number:
                if {bilancio:%player%} >= {sc2}:
                    remove {sc2} from {bilancio::%player%}
                    give 2 paper named "&2Scontrino" with lore "&r&7Cassiere: &r&e%player%", "&r&7Cliente: &r&e%{sc1}%", "&r&7Prezzo: &r&e%{sc2}%", "&r&7Prodotti: &r&e%{sc3}%" to player
                    send "&cNon hai abbastanza soldi!" to player
                 send "&cInserisci un numero!" to player
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This variable not working if i typed for example "100"

on anvil gui click:
    if event-integer is 2:
        if title of event-anvil gui is "&lProdotti":
            close player's inventory
            set {sc3} to event-text
            if {sc2} is a number:
                if {bilancio:%player%} >= {sc2}:
                    remove {sc2} from {bilancio::%player%}
                    give 2 paper named "&2Scontrino" with lore "&r&7Cassiere: &r&e%player%", "&r&7Cliente: &r&e%{sc1}%", "&r&7Prezzo: &r&e%{sc2}%", "&r&7Prodotti: &r&e%{sc3}%" to player
                    send "&cNon hai abbastanza soldi!" to player
                 send "&cInserisci un numero!" to player
Yeah, because "100" is a text if it got it from chat or any other type of text input, not a number, despite looking like one. Try what I said.
Please You can wrote the code for me?? I do not understand what you mean, because this is an input, where the players have to write an event-text, I want that if the event-text of the anvil gui is a number, then a paper is given to the player, otherwise nothing
Yeah, because "100" is a text if it got it from chat or any other type of text input, not a number, despite looking like one. Try what I said.
Please You can wrote the code for me?? I do not understand what you mean, because this is an input, where the players have to write an event-text, I want that if the event-text of the anvil gui is a number, then a paper is given to the player, otherwise nothing
I gave you the line as my first response to this thread:
set {sc2} to event-text parsed as number
and to do the same with {sc3}.
Thanks! But Why if {sc2} is number don't remove {sc2} from {bilancio::%player%}???:

on anvil gui click:
    if event-integer is 2:
        if title of event-anvil gui is "&lProdotti":
            close player's inventory
            set {sc3} to event-text
            if {sc2} is a number:
                remove {sc2} from {bilancio::%player%} #<----------
I gave you the line as my first response to this thread:
set {sc2} to event-text parsed as number
and to do the same with {sc3}.
Thanks! But Why if {sc2} is number don't remove {sc2} from {bilancio::%player%}???:

on anvil gui click:
    if event-integer is 2:
        if title of event-anvil gui is "&lProdotti":
            close player's inventory
            set {sc3} to event-text
            if {sc2} is a number:
                remove {sc2} from {bilancio::%player%} #<----------

I had to translate your code because I wasn't entirely sure what Prodotti or Prezzo meant, but now I understand a bit more.

Use this:
on anvil gui click:
    if event-integer is 2:
        if title of event-anvil gui is "&lProdotti":
            close player's inventory
            set {sc3} to event-text
            set {sc2} to {sc2} parsed as number # {sc2} is still considered a text because it came from a text input
            if {sc2} is set: # if {sc2} isn't a number, it'll return <none>
                remove {sc2} from {bilancio::%player%} # now that {sc2} has been parsed as a number, it should work

If {sc2} is meant to mark the price of a player-specific selection, though, I would recommend making it a list, using players as the indices, like you did with {bilancio::%player%}, just incase two people try to buy something at the same time.
Okay, thanks you
I had to translate your code because I wasn't entirely sure what Prodotti or Prezzo meant, but now I understand a bit more.

Use this:
on anvil gui click:
    if event-integer is 2:
        if title of event-anvil gui is "&lProdotti":
            close player's inventory
            set {sc3} to event-text
            set {sc2} to {sc2} parsed as number # {sc2} is still considered a text because it came from a text input
            if {sc2} is set: # if {sc2} isn't a number, it'll return <none>
                remove {sc2} from {bilancio::%player%} # now that {sc2} has been parsed as a number, it should work

If {sc2} is meant to mark the price of a player-specific selection, though, I would recommend making it a list, using players as the indices, like you did with {bilancio::%player%}, just incase two people try to buy something at the same time.