Solved How to check the block under the block i hit

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New Member
Apr 8, 2021
Hello everyone!
Well, I am starting to use script and I am having a hard time getting the result I want.
I am trying that when hitting an arrow in a bell, depending on the type of block that has underneath the bell, execute a command

I have achieved a similar result with the following code

on projectile hit:
    shooter is a player:
        if projectile is an arrow:
            loop blocks in radius 3 of projectile:
                loop-block is bell:
                    if block 2 under loop-block is bedrock:
                        delete projectile
                        make shooter say "hello"

Skrip version: 2.5.3
Minecraft version: 1.16.5

But how can I make it run only when the arrow hits the bell? because currently it runs whenever the arrow falls within 3 blocks of a bell
it doesn't matter if I hit it or not
and if I reduce the radius of the loop to less than 2, it doesn't always detect hits, I don't know why

I've tried looking for solutions in the forum but can't find anything to help me

I hope you understand what I mean, English is not my native language
Greetings to all and thanks
Use below
on projectile hit:
    shooter is a player:
        if projectile is an arrow:
            loop blocks in radius 3 of projectile:
                loop-block is bell:
                    if block 2 below loop-block is bedrock:
                        delete projectile
                        make shooter say "hello"
If it doesnt work use block 2 meters below loop-block
Use below
on projectile hit:
    shooter is a player:
        if projectile is an arrow:
            loop blocks in radius 3 of projectile:
                loop-block is bell:
                    if block 2 below loop-block is bedrock:
                        delete projectile
                        make shooter say "hello"
If it doesnt work use block 2 meters below loop-block

It works the same way, my goal is to make it run only when I hit the bell.
This way it runs even when I hit the blocks next to it
your two answers have exactly the same result

what I think is missing is to check when the arrow hits a "bell" block
something like "if projectile hit a bell"
but I don't know how to get the block it hits

Still thanks for your answer!
on projectile hit:
  shooter is player:
    projectile is arrow:
      block at location of projectile is bell:
on projectile hit:
  shooter is player:
    projectile is arrow:
      block at location of projectile is bell:
Hmm for some reason it only works 1 out of 100 times, as if it did not detect that it is hitting a bell
I had already tried this before and that is why I ended up asking in the forum

I have also tried many other blocks with the same result, it is not because it is a bell
do you use any addons? try disabling some of them or installing other ones (they might have messed up block id's or syntaxes)
try using event-block (it may work)
[doublepost=1617973470,1617973380][/doublepost]Block getHitBlock()
Gets the block that was hit, if it was a block that was hit.
i found this on the forums maybe try skript mirror?
skript-reflect and event.getHitBlock() it works like a marvel! thanks a lot!

on projectile hit:
    projectile is arrow:
        shooter is player:
            if event.getHitBlock() is bell:
                make shooter say "hit"
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