How to change endings?

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Feb 9, 2020
(im russian)

Hello guys, I have a question.

I have a script with scoreboard.
on join:
    wipe player's sidebar
    set name of sidebar of player to " 123123"
    set score "&c> &6&lВаше звание:" in sidebar of player to 13
    set score " %{Score.%player%}% %{Score12.%player%}%" in sidebar of player to 12
    set score "&c> &6&lНовое звание:" in sidebar of player to 11
    set score " %{NextScore.%player%}%" in sidebar of player to 10
    set score "&c> &6&lБаланс Реклаксов:" in sidebar of player to 9
    set score " &cВ скором времени.." in sidebar of player to 8
    set score "&c> &6&lОнлайн: (Online)" in sidebar of player to 7
    set score " &c%number of all players% игр (player(s))" in sidebar of player to 6
    set score "&c> &6&lМестоположение:" in sidebar of player to 5
    set score "&c&lГлавное Лобби сервера" in sidebar of player to 4
    set score "&6" in sidebar of player to 3
    set score "&6Наш сайт: &c&lexample site" in sidebar of player to 2

And I have "%number of all players%".
I need, for example, when online 0 the ending is "players", and when 1 is "player" and so on, then I will do everything myself, and you just help me with the beginning.