Discord Thread How do I detect that a fishing trip has been cancelled in an mcMMO?

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skUnity Discord

Site Manager
Aug 5, 2023
The skUnity Discord
With mcMMO installed, you may be unable to fish in the same area when you are told "You sense that there might not be many fish left in this area.".
The following code is implemented, but it is triggered even if you cannot fish.
How can I modify the code so that it is not triggered?

on fish with priority monitor:
    if fish state = CAUGHT FISH:
        set {_material} to item of fishing caught entity
        #send "&f&l[&a&l!&f&l] &f&l%player% &a&lが &f&l%{_material}% &a&lを釣り上げた!" to all players
        if {_material} is not cod or tropical fish or salmon or pufferfish:
            send "&f&l[&a&l!&f&l] &aCaught nothing but fish!" to player
        else if {fish_size.%player's uuid%} is null:
            send "&f&l[&a&l!&f&l] &a&lI didn't catch it..." to player
            send "&a&l%{_material}% was caught!" to player

Posted by: 2288 from the skUnity Discord. View the thread on skUnity Discord here
what i meant is
on fish with priority monitor:
    event isn't cancelled
    if fish state = CAUGHT FISH:
        set {_material} to item of fishing caught entity
        if {_material} is not cod or tropical fish or salmon or pufferfish:
            send "&f&l[&a&l!&f&l] &aCaught nothing but fish!" to player
        else if {fish_size.%player's uuid%} is null:
            send "&f&l[&a&l!&f&l] &a&lI didn't catch it..." to player
            send "&a&l%{_material}% was caught!" to player

Posted by: tjj123456 from the skUnity Discord.
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