I'm trying to make a skript, which previews crates/kits, but I would like to add attributes to the showcased items
I would like to add +20% max health to all these items. How do I do that?
function viewCrate(p: player, crate: text):
if {_crate} is "iron":
set {_p} to a new chest inventory with 3 rows with name "&f&lIron &7Crate"
set slot 0 and 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 5 and 6 and 7 and 8 and 9 and 17 and 18 and 19 and 20 and 21 and 23 and 24 and 25 and 26 of {_p} to {frame} named "&6"
set slot 10 of {_p} to unbreakable iron axe of efficiency 10 named "&f&lIron &7Axe" with lore "" and "&7Chance:" and "&7[&a12.5%%&7]"
set slot 11 of {_p} to unbreakable iron sword of sharnpess 5 named "&f&lIron &7Sword" with lore "" and "&7Chance:" and "&7[&a12.5%%&7]"
set slot 13 of {_p} to unbreakable iron helmet of protection 3 named "&f&lIron &7Helmet" with lore "" and "&7Chance:" and "&7[&a12.5%%&7]"
set slot 14 of {_p} to unbreakable iron chestplate of protection 3 named "&f&lIron &7Chestplate" with lore "" and "&7Chance:" and "&7[&a12.5%%&7]"
set slot 15 of {_p} to unbreakable iron leggings of protection 3 named "&f&lIron &7leggings" with lore "" and "&7Chance:" and "&7[&a12.5%%&7]"
set slot 16 of {_p} to unbreakable iron boots of protection 3 named "&f&lIron &7Boots" with lore "" and "&7Chance:" and "&7[&a12.5%%&7]"