How do I add attributes to items?

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New Member
May 21, 2023
I'm trying to make a skript, which previews crates/kits, but I would like to add attributes to the showcased items
function viewCrate(p: player, crate: text):
        if {_crate} is "iron":
                set {_p} to a new chest inventory with 3 rows with name "&f&lIron &7Crate"
                set slot 0 and 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 5 and 6 and 7 and 8 and 9 and 17 and 18 and 19 and 20 and 21 and 23 and 24 and 25 and 26 of {_p} to {frame} named "&6"
                set slot 10 of {_p} to unbreakable iron axe of efficiency 10 named "&f&lIron &7Axe" with lore "" and "&7Chance:" and "&7[&a12.5%%&7]"
                set slot 11 of {_p} to unbreakable iron sword of sharnpess 5 named "&f&lIron &7Sword" with lore "" and "&7Chance:" and "&7[&a12.5%%&7]"
                set slot 13 of {_p} to unbreakable iron helmet of protection 3 named "&f&lIron &7Helmet" with lore "" and "&7Chance:" and "&7[&a12.5%%&7]"
                set slot 14 of {_p} to unbreakable iron chestplate of protection 3 named "&f&lIron &7Chestplate" with lore "" and "&7Chance:" and "&7[&a12.5%%&7]"
                set slot 15 of {_p} to unbreakable iron leggings of protection 3 named "&f&lIron &7leggings" with lore "" and "&7Chance:" and "&7[&a12.5%%&7]"
                set slot 16 of {_p} to unbreakable iron boots of protection 3 named "&f&lIron &7Boots" with lore "" and "&7Chance:" and "&7[&a12.5%%&7]"
I would like to add +20% max health to all these items. How do I do that?
If you use SkBee, you can modify the NBT data of items. You can then use variables to modify the NBT properties of the items like an item's max health, if you can place it, etc. You'd have to do a little research to figure out how to do specifics on that though.