Discord Thread How could I make this command so you can run "/pay {name} 1b" instead of "/pay {name} 1000000000"

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skUnity Discord

Site Manager
Aug 5, 2023
The skUnity Discord
command /pay [<player>] [<integer>]:
    cooldown: 5 seconds
    cooldown message: &cYou need to wait %remaining time% before using this again!
        if arg-1 is not set:
            message "&cYou need to specify an online player!"
        if arg-2 is not set:
            message "&cYou need to specify an amount!"
        set {_m} to arg-2
        if player's balance < {_m}:
            message "&cYou need $%player's balance - {_m}% to pay this amount!"
        remove arg-2 from player's balance
        message "&aYou have successfully sent $%arg-2% to %arg-1%" to sender
        message "&aYou have received $%arg-2% from %arg-1%" to arg-1

Posted by: inqy. from the skUnity Discord. View the thread on skUnity Discord here
i think <@224021503908380672
and <@830057380359438396> wrote a function for that:
function rformat(s: string) :: number:
    set {_s} to {_s} in lower case
    loop ("k|m|b|t|qa|qi|sx|sp|oc" split at "|"):
        add 1 to {_i} if {_s} partially matches "(\d|\.)(k|m|b|t|qa|qi|sx|sp|oc)"
        set {_z::*} to split {_s} at loop-value
        replace all "," in {_z::1} with ""
        {_z::1} does not partially match "[^.0-9]":
            return ({_z::1} parsed as number) * (10 ^ ({_i} * 3))
    return 0

Posted by: bluelhf from the skUnity Discord.
instead of arg-2 being an integer you'd use a text and then use rformat(arg-2) to convert it to a number
# blah blah command /pay whatever
    set {_amount} to rformat(arg-2)

Posted by: bluelhf from the skUnity Discord.
command /pay [<player>] [<text>]:
    cooldown: 5 seconds
    cooldown message: &cYou need to wait %remaining time% before using this again!
        set {_amount} to rformat(arg-2)
        if arg-1 is not set:
            message "&cYou need to specify an online player!"
        if arg-2 is not set:
            message "&cYou need to specify an amount!"
        set {_m} to arg-2
        if player's balance < {_m}:
            message "&cYou need $%player's balance - {_m}% to pay this amount!"
        remove arg-2 from player's balance
        message "&aYou have successfully sent $%arg-2% to %arg-1%" to sender
        message "&aYou have received $%arg-2% from %arg-1%" to arg-1

command /bal [<offlineplayer>]:
        if arg-1 is not set:
            set {_p} to sender
            set {_p} to arg-1
        set {_m} to balance of {_p}
        send action bar "&a%{_p}%'s Balance: %formatt({_p}'s balance)%" to sender
        play sound "minecraft:entity.player.levelup" at volume 1 at pitch 1 to player

function formatt(n: number) :: text:
    set {_data} to "QT,18|Q,15|T,12|B,9|M,6|k,3"
    loop split {_data} at "|":
        set {_s::*} to split loop-value at ","
        {_n} >= 10 ^ {_s::2} parsed as number
        return "%{_n} / 10 ^ {_s::2} parsed as number%%{_s::1}%"
    return "%{_n}%"

function rformat(s: string) :: number:
    set {_s} to {_s} in lower case
    loop ("k|m|b|t|qa|qi|sx|sp|oc" split at "|"):
        add 1 to {_i} if {_s} partially matches "(\d|\.)(k|m|b|t|qa|qi|sx|sp|oc)"
        set {_z::*} to split {_s} at loop-value
        replace all "," in {_z::1} with ""
        {_z::1} does not partially match "[^.0-9]":
            return ({_z::1} parsed as number) * (10 ^ ({_i} * 3))
    return 0
got 1 error
oop sorry
command /pay [<player>] [<text>]:
    cooldown: 5 seconds
    cooldown message: &cYou need to wait %remaining time% before using this again!
        set {_amount} to rformat(arg-2)
        if arg-1 is not set:
            message "&cYou need to specify an online player!"
        if arg-2 is not set:
            message "&cYou need to specify an amount!"
        set {_m} to arg-2
        if player's balance < {_m}:
            message "&cYou need $%player's balance - {_m}% to pay this amount!"
        remove arg-2 from player's balance
        message "&aYou have successfully sent $%arg-2% to %arg-1%" to sender
        message "&aYou have received $%arg-2% from %arg-1%" to arg-1
function rformat(s: string) :: number:
    set {_s} to {_s} in lower case
    loop ("k|m|b|t|qa|qi|sx|sp|oc" split at "|"):
        add 1 to {_i} if {_s} partially matches "(\d|\.)(k|m|b|t|qa|qi|sx|sp|oc)"
        set {_z::*} to split {_s} at loop-value
        replace all "," in {_z::1} with ""
        {_z::1} does not partially match "[^.0-9]":
            return ({_z::1} parsed as number) * (10 ^ ({_i} * 3))
is it {_amount}
instead of arg-2 on line 16

Posted by: inqy. from the skUnity Discord.
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