Temp [HIRING] [TEMP] Friends list/Friends system

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Aug 6, 2023
In need of a skript developer that can make a friends system using /f add <ign>, and when the player does /f list or /friends list, the list is displayed neatly in a list, with all of that player's friends, along with the friends' prefixes.

Kind of like hypixel, when you do /f add <ign>, it sends the other person a message where they can click [ACCEPT] or [DENY]

For more information, dm me on Discord; omgelijah

Offering 20-30$
In need of a skript developer that can make a friends system using /f add <ign>, and when the player does /f list or /friends list, the list is displayed neatly in a list, with all of that player's friends, along with the friends' prefixes.

Kind of like hypixel, when you do /f add <ign>, it sends the other person a message where they can click [ACCEPT] or [DENY]

For more information, dm me on Discord; omgelijah

Offering 20-30$
I really wanna do this ngl
Yo dude, I sent you a friend request on discord (wavexofficial), if you're still looking for someone who can do this, hit me up!
Doodle I got smt:
    f: [&eFriends&f]

command /friend <string> [<offline player>]:
    aliases: /f
        if arg-1 is not set:
            if arg-2 is not set:
                send "{@f}: /friend <add/remove/list> <player>" to player
        if arg-1 is "add":
            if player is in {friends::%arg-2's uuid%.friends.req}:
                add "&b%arg-2%%nl%" to {friends::%player's uuid%.friends}
                remove player from {friends::%arg-2's uuid%.friends.req}
            if player not in {friends::%arg-2's uuid%.friends.req}:
                send "{@f}: &bFriend request sent to %arg-2%" to player

                send "{@f}: &bFriend request from &c%player%! <command:/f add %player%>&b&lClick here to accept<reset>%nl%&bThe request will expire in 60 seconds." to arg-2
                add arg-2 to {friends::%player's uuid%.friends.req}
                wait 60 seconds
                remove arg-2 from {friends::%player's uuid%.friends.req}

        if arg-1 is "remove":
            if arg-2 is not in {friends::%player's uuid%.friends}:
                send "&b%arg-2% is not your friend!" to player
                remove "&b%arg-2%" from {friends::%player's uuid%.friends}
                send "{@f}: &b%arg-2% is no longer your friend" to player
                send "{@f}: %player% has removed you as a friend" to arg-2
        if arg-2 is "list":
            if {friends::%player's uuid%.friends} is not set:
                send "{@f}: &bYou have no friends" to player
                send "{@f}: &bFriends:%nl%" to player
                send "%{friends::%players's uuid%.friends}%"