Hi, I'm really confused by setting pos1 and pos2 and setting it to snow

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Aug 26, 2022
Hi, I'm really confused by setting pos1 and pos2 and setting it to snow. And sometimes when I queue up, it doesn't give the other player a shovel. Any idea's?

Currently, here's my code:

# by ohFanta with help from oElmer

p: &a[&bSpleef&a]
# ^^ Prefix (Don't Change)
version: v1.5
# Victory Section
victoryTitle: &e&lCongrats!
victorySubtitle: &6You have won!
# Teams
red: &7[&cRed]&7&c
blue: &7[&9Blue]&7&9

on load:
set {redPlayerCount} to 0
set {bluePlayerCount} to 0
set {playersInGame} to 0
clear {spleefgame}

command /playercount [<text>]:
permission: spleef.playercount
aliases: /pc
usage: &a/playercount &c<team>
if arg 1 is "red" or "redPlayerCount":
send "&cRed: {_redPlayerCount}" to player
stop trigger

if arg 1 is "red" or "redPlayerCount":
send "&9Blue: {_bluePlayerCount}" to player
stop trigger

command /spleef [<text>]:
usage: /spleef ?
send "{@p} Coming soon." to player
if arg 1 is "info" or "information" or "v" or "version":
send "&8>&7&m------------&bSpleef&7&m------------&8<" to player
send "&bSpleef by &bohFanta with help from oElmer"
send "&bSpleef Version: &b{@version}"
send "&bUse &b/spleef help &bfor help."
send "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
stop trigger
# Help command
if arg 1 is "help" or "h" or "?":
send "&8>&7&m------------&bSpleef&7&m------------&8<" to player
send "&b/queue &8- &6Join an &bSpleef &6game"
send "&b/setspleef 1/2/3 &8- &6Sets &bSpleef &6location"
send "&b/spleef v &8- &6Shows the &bSpleef &6version"
send "&b/spleef help &8- &6What are you doing? You're looking at it!"
send "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
stop trigger

command /setspleef [<text>]:
permission: spleef.setloc
permission message: &cNo permission.
usage: /setspleef 1/2
aliases: /setspleefloc
if arg 1 is "1" or "one" or "first" or "o":
set {spleef.loc1} to location of block at location of player
send "{@p} &aSpleef location [1] has been set to &6%{spleef.loc1}%" to player
# set {spleef.loc}'s yaw to player's yaw
# set {spleef.loc}'s pitch to player's pitch
# Spleef Yaw and Pitch doesn't yet work.
if arg 1 is "2" or "one" or "first" or "o":
set {spleef.loc2} to location of block at location of player
send "{@p} &aSpleef location [2] has been set to &6%{spleef.loc2}%" to player
# set {spleef.loc}'s yaw to player's yaw
# set {spleef.loc}'s pitch to player's pitch
# Spleef Yaw and Pitch doesn't yet work.
if arg 1 is "3" or "m" or "middle" or "three" or "t":
set {spleef.middle} to location of block at location of player
send "{@p} &aSpleef location [Middle] has been set to &6%{spleef.middle}%" to player
if arg 1 is "pos1":
set {spleef.pos1} to location of block at location of player
send "{@p} &aSpleef location [POS1] has been set to &6%{spleef.pos1}%" to player

if arg 1 is "pos2":
set {spleef.pos2} to location of block at location of player
send "{@p} &aSpleef location [POS2] has been set to &6%{spleef.pos2}%" to player

command /tpspleefloc [<text>]:
if arg 1 is "1" or "one" or "first" or "o":
teleport player to {spleef.loc1}
send "{@p} You have joined the Spleef game [1]"
stop trigger
if arg 1 is "2" or "two" or "second" or "t":
teleport player to {spleef.loc2}
send "{@p} You have joined the Spleef game [2]"
stop trigger
if arg 1 is "3" or "m" or "middle" or "t" or "three":
teleport player to {spleef.middle}
send "{@p} You have joined the Spleef game [Middle]"
stop trigger
command /victory:
send player title "{@victoryTitle}" with subtitle "{@victorySubtitle}" for 5 seconds

command /queue:
usage: /queue
if {redPlayerCount} is 0:
add 1 to {redPlayerCount}
add 1 to {playersInGame}
teleport player to {spleef.loc1}
# set slot 8 of player to clock named "&8» &bLobby&fSelector &8«"
send player title "&c&lWAITING" for 9999 seconds

add 1 to {bluePlayerCount}
add 1 to {playersInGame}
teleport player to {spleef.loc2}
# set slot 8 of player to clock named "&8» &bLobby&fSelector &8«"
send player title "&c&lWAITING" for 9999 seconds

if {playersInGame} is 2:
teleport player to {spleef.loc1}
set {spleefgame} to true
make console execute command "gamemode survival %player%"
make console execute command "clear %player%"
send "{@p} The gamemode will begin in..."
send player title "&c3" for 1 seconds
send "{@p} &c3"
wait 1 second
send player title "&62" for 1 seconds
send "{@p} &62"
wait 1 second
send player title "&e1" for 1 seconds
send "{@p} &e1"
wait 1 second
send player title "&a&lSTART" for 1 seconds
send "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
send " "
send " &a&l&k|&b&lSpleef&7&a&k|"
send " "
send "&a&lOBJECTIVE:"
send "&7Destroy blocks below people to make them fall."
send " "
send "&8>&7&m------------------------------&8<"
send "{@p} &a&lThe game has begun."
make console execute command "clear %player%"
if {Game::*} does not contain player's uuid:
make console execute command "minecraft:give @p minecraft:diamond_shovel 1 0 {Unbreakable:1}"

on walking on water:
if {spleefgame} is true:
clear {spleefgame}
teleport player to {spleef.middle}
make console execute command "gamemode spectator %player%"
send "{@p} &cYou have lost."
# make console execute command "summon FireworksRocketEntity {spleef.middle}"
wait 1 second
# make console execute command "summon FireworksRocketEntity {spleef.middle}"
wait 1 second
# launch "BURST" at location of {spleef.middle} with timed 1
wait 6 seconds
set blocks within {spleef.pos1} and {spleef.pos2} to snow
set {redPlayerCount} to 0
set {bluePlayerCount} to 0
set {playersInGame} to 0
make console execute command "clear %player%"
make console execute command "gamemode survival %player%"
make player execute command "l"
make console execute command "fill {spleef.pos1} {spleef.pos2} minecraft:snow"

on right click holding a clock:
if {spleefgame} is true:
make player execute command "l"
make console execute command "clear %player%"
clear {spleefgame}
set {redPlayerCount} to 0
set {bluePlayerCount} to 0

on block break:
if {spleefgame} is true:
if event-block is 35:15:
cancel event
send "&c&lHey! &7Sorry, but you can't break that block here." to player
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