Solved hey can someone please make a skript for me?

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Mar 22, 2024
on earth :o
i want a command that will first see if the player has a command block in their inv then find the command blocks nbt tag and then remove the command for the certain command block from the used commands list and add it back to the available commands list and then execute as the player gems_random. also make it the player can do it only 3 times

the current skript i have (the one that triggers with gems_random)

command /gems_reset:
permission: gems.reset
permission message: you don't have permission
set {commands::*} to "function gems:give/ender", "function gems:give/haste", "function gems:give/hover", "function gems:give/invisibility", "function gems:give/rang", "function gems:give/fire", "function gems:give/glow", "function gems:give/dog", "function gems:give/saturation", "function gems:give/godapple", "function gems:give/speed", "function gems:give/strength", "function gems:give/3" and "function gems:give/4"

command /gems_random:
permission: gems.random
permission message: you don't have permission
if {commands::*} is not set:
execute console command "kick %player% no available gems"
set {_f} to random element of {commands::*}
remove {_f} from {commands::*}
execute console command "execute as %player% run %{_f}%"
Looks like this should work, what exactly is the problem?
i want a command that will first see if the player has a command block in their inv then find the command blocks nbt tag and then remove the command for the certain command block from the used commands list and add it back to the available commands list and then execute as the player gems_random. also make it the player can do it only 3 times