Solved Help with setting spawn intervals on command with arguments

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Dec 18, 2022
The other day got help with a skript that lets me activate and deactivate a item spawner with a command, but I want to take that even further, rather then just being able to activate and deactivate the spawner, I could set its intervial in the command. I want it so that the first argument would be the on/off, the second would be the number, and the third would be the time type (ticks, seconds, minutes, hours). the second and third arguments would be optional incase I just wanted to activate and deactivate the skript. so for example to turn it on I would do /berries on 3 t, and that would spawn a dirt every 3 ticks, or just /berries off. to turn it off, if possible can someone please edit the skript and send it back so it can do this.
command /berries:
    permission: berries.spawn
        if {berries.enabled} is true:
            set {berries.enabled} to false
            send "&cBerry spawner disabled" to player
            set {berries.enabled} to true
            send "&2Berry spawner enabled" to player
every minute:
    {berries.enabled} is true
    drop 1 sweet berries at location(4352.5,97,4137.5, world "world") without velocity
    drop 1 sweet berries at location(4352.5,97,4131.5, world "world") without velocity
    drop 1 sweet berries at location(4357.5,97,4131.5, world "world") without velocity
    drop 1 sweet berries at location(4357.5,97,4137.5, world "world") without velocity
    drop 1 sweet berries at location(4347.5,97,4131.5, world "world") without velocity
    drop 1 sweet berries at location(4342.5,97,4131.5, world "world") without velocity
    drop 1 sweet berries at location(4342.5,97,4137.5, world "world") without velocity
    drop 1 sweet berries at location(4347.5,97,4137.5, world "world") without velocity
we meet again :emoji_wink:
function DropBerries():
    drop 1 sweet berries at location(4352.5,97,4137.5, world "world") without velocity
    drop 1 sweet berries at location(4352.5,97,4131.5, world "world") without velocity
    drop 1 sweet berries at location(4357.5,97,4131.5, world "world") without velocity
    drop 1 sweet berries at location(4357.5,97,4137.5, world "world") without velocity
    drop 1 sweet berries at location(4347.5,97,4131.5, world "world") without velocity
    drop 1 sweet berries at location(4342.5,97,4131.5, world "world") without velocity
    drop 1 sweet berries at location(4342.5,97,4137.5, world "world") without velocity
    drop 1 sweet berries at location(4347.5,97,4137.5, world "world") without velocity

function Spawner():
    # check if spawner is active
    {berries.enabled} is true

    # wait interval set
    wait "%{berries.interval}% %{berries.intervalType}%" parsed as timespan

    # drop the berries

    # restart spawner

# <required argument> [<optional argument>]
command /berries <text> [<text>] [<text>]:
    permission: berries.spawn
    usage: &cUsage: /berries <on/off> <interval> <interval type>

        # add valid interval types to a list
        add "ticks" to {intervaltypes::*}
        add "seconds" to {intervaltypes::*}
        add "minutes" to {intervaltypes::*}
        add "hours" to {intervaltypes::*}
        # check if arg-3 is a valid intervaltype
        if {intervaltypes::*} contains arg-3:
            set {berries.interval} to arg-2
            set {berries.intervalType} to arg-3
        # check if you didn't use a valid interval type
        else if arg-2 is set:
            send "&cInvalid argument! (intervalType)"
            send "&cUsage: /berries <on/off> <interval> <interval type>" to player
            send "&cExample: /berries on 5 minutes" to player
        # turn on spawner
        if arg-1 is "on":
            # check if spawner is already on
            if {berries.enabled} is true:
                send "&cSpawner already active!"

            set {berries.enabled} to true
            send "&2Berry spawner enabled" to player
            send "&2Interval set to &6%{berries.interval}% %{berries.intervalType}%"

        else if arg-1 is "off":
            set {berries.enabled} to false
            send "&cBerry spawner disabled" to player
            send "&cInvalid argument! (on/off)" to player
            send "&cUsage: /berries <on/off> <interval> <interval type>" to player
            send "&cExample: /berries on 1 minutes" to player
        # start the spawner
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