Help with Health Modifier Skript

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Apr 24, 2020
I call my skript "maxHealth" and it's for editing health values of players and giving them a reason to not die. I had experimented with the idea of making it where players lost max hp on death until a minimum of six hearts like...

on death:
    if player's max health is greater than {minimumHealth}:
        set player's max health to player's max health - 1

and {minimumHealth} would be a variable with a default value of 6, yada yada yada.

That's simply backstory because I realized that my server wasn't meant to be hardcore, but rather a by-invite enhanced vanilla SMP. Basically PaperMC with plugins that add vanilla like mechanics(enchantments, crop harvesting, and now this for Health). In light of this, I decided to instead make it to where players could gain hearts by completing certain tasks.

So, here's the concept, you start out with a certain amount of {defaultHealth} and through completing certain challenges, you can gain more and increase your {maxHealth}. Here's the thing. When you die, you reset back to {defaultHealth} but upon using a totem of undying(RMB in your main hand) it activates(by running the kill effect) and gives you your {maxHealth} back! Anyway, here's the reason I'm making this thread, because the system that I just described works perfectly.... So, what do I make those challenges?

I made a skript that lets people go above health cap, what do I make the challenges to reward hearts?

Also please explain if you have an idea because I just started Skript today. :emoji_stuck_out_tongue:

#----------MAX HEALTH ADDON----------

#----------DEFAULT HEALTH VALUE----------
    {defaultHealth} = 10

#----------JOIN EVENTS----------
#sets new players to the default health
on first join:
    set max health of player to {defaultHealth}
    {maxHealth::%player%} = {defaultHealth}

#sets existing players max health
on join:
    if {maxHealth::%player%} is not set:
        set {maxHealth::%player%} to {defaultHealth}

command /dh:
    description: Displays the current default health value.
        send "The current default health is %{defaultHealth}%" to player
command /dhset [<number=10>]:
    description: Sets the default health for when new players join the server
    permission: maxhealth.defaulthealth.set
    permission message: You cannot use this command.
        set {defaultHealth} to arg number
        send "The current default health is now %{defaultHealth}%."

command /mh:
    description: Displays your current obtainable max health value.
        if {maxHealth::%player%} is not set:
            set {maxHealth::%player%} to {defaultHealth}
        send "Your current obtainable max health is %{maxHealth::%player%}%." to player
command /mhset <player> [<number=10>]:
    description: Sets the max obtainable health of inputed player.
    permission: maxhealth.maxhealth.set
    permission message: You cannot use this command.
        set {maxHealth::%player%} to arg number
        send "%arg 1%'s max obtainable health was set to %arg 2%."
command /mhtestset <player> [<number=10>]:
    description: Sets the max health of inputed player.
    permission: maxhealth.maxhealth.set
    permission message: You cannot use this command.
        set arg player's max health to arg number
        send "%arg 1%'s max health was set to %arg 2%."
#----------RECOVER MAX HEALTH----------
on right click:
    if player is holding a totem of undying in main hand:
        if {maxHealth::%player%} is not set:
            set {maxHealth::player} to {defaultHealth}
            send "No max health value found, setting max health to 10." to player
        if player's max health is equal to {maxHealth::%player%}:
            send "You already have your max obtainable health."
        if player's max health is not equal to {maxHealth::%player%}:
            kill player
            set player's max health to {maxHealth::%player%}
            send "You have recovered your lost hearts!" to player
#----------RESET OBTAINED HEALTH ON DEATH----------         
on death:
    set player's max health to {defaultHealth}
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please add ur code to codeblocks
when you reply/post you have a + in square you click it and you click CODE then you insert ur code there
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