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New Member
Oct 19, 2019
Category: command

Suggested name: Invsee

Spigot/Skript Version:

What I want: I want an invsee command that will be able to see the inventory of an offline player

Ideas for commands: /iv

Ideas for permissions: invsee.use

When I'd like it by: Any time would be amazing
Category: command

Suggested name: Invsee

Spigot/Skript Version:

What I want: I want an invsee command that will be able to see the inventory of an offline player

Ideas for commands: /iv

Ideas for permissions: invsee.use

When I'd like it by: Any time would be amazing
I'll make it. Give me a couple hours and I'll send it in this post. :emoji_slight_smile:
[doublepost=1571526751,1571521684][/doublepost]This should work on all Spigot and Skript versions from 1.8.8-1.14.4
Report any bugs by messaging me on discord: AsuDev#0714
Code is attached to post and so is a file you can download.

There is one CAVEAT about this script:
I did not use NBT file (player data files) editing for this, rather it goes by saving player's inventories when they leave. This means that to edit a player's offline inventory, they have to have joined and left the server at least once after this script has been loaded.

# ##############################################################################################################

# Inventory See for Online/Offline Players
# Made by AsuDev
# Report bugs by messaging me on discord: AsuDev#0714

# There is one CAVEAT:
# I did not use NBT inventory editing for this, rather it goes by saving a players inventories.
# This means that to edit a player's offline inventory, they have to have joined and left the server
# at least once after this script has been loaded.

# ##############################################################################################################

# Save a players inventory when they leave the server
function saveInventoryPlayer(p: player):
    set {_uuid} to uuid of {_p}
    delete {offlineInventory.%{_uuid}%::*}
    set {_counter} to 0
    loop 36 times:
        add slot {_counter} of {_p}'s inventory to {offlineInventory.%{_uuid}%::*}
        add 1 to {_counter}

# Save the offline player's inventory after edits
function saveInventoryOfflinePlayer(inv: inventory, p: offline player):
    set {_uuid} to uuid of {_p}
    delete {offlineInventory.%{_uuid}%::*}
    set {_counter} to 0
    loop 36 times:
        add slot {_counter} of {_inv} to {offlineInventory.%{_uuid}%::*}
        add 1 to {_counter}

# Retrieve the offline players inventory when they join
function retrievePlayerInventory(inv: inventory, p: offline player):
    set {_uuid} to uuid of {_p}
    set {_counter} to 1
    loop 36 times:
        set slot {_counter}-1 of {_inv} to {offlineInventory.%{_uuid}%::%{_counter}%}
        add 1 to {_counter}

# Join event for updating a players inventory and also checks to see if someone is editing their offline inventory
on join:
    size of {offlineInventory.%uuid of player%::*} is not 0
    retrievePlayerInventory(player's inventory, player)
    loop all players:
        if metadata value "Invsee" of loop-player is "%player%":
            set metadata value "CancelInvsee" of loop-player to "True"
            send "&c%player% &7just logged in, your invsee has been updated." to loop-player
            wait 10 ticks
            close loop-player's inventory
            open player's inventory to loop-player

# Quit event for saving the players inventory and also checks to see if someone is editing their live inventory
on quit:
    loop all players:
        if loop-player's current inventory is player's inventory:
            set metadata value "CancelInvsee" of loop-player to "True"
            send "&c%player% &7just logged in, your invsee has been updated." to loop-player
            wait 10 ticks
            close loop-player's inventory
            make loop-player execute command "iv %player%"

# Inventory close event for editing offline player inventories
on inventory close:
    metadata value "Invsee" of player is set
    if metadata value "CancelInvsee" of player is not set:
        set {_p} to metadata value "Invsee" of player
        set {_p} to "%{_p}%" parsed as offline player
        saveInventoryOfflinePlayer(player's current inventory, {_p})
    delete metadata value "Invsee" of player
    delete metadata value "CancelInvsee" of player

# Main invsee command for players/offline players
command /iv [<offline player>]:
    aliases: invsee
    permission: invsee.use
    permission message: &cYou do not have permission to execute this command.
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 1 is online:
                open arg 1's inventory to player
                if arg 1 has played before:
                    if size of {offlineInventory.%uuid of arg 1%::*} is not 0:
                        set metadata value "Invsee" of player to "%arg 1%"
                        open chest with 4 rows named "%arg 1%'s Inventory" to player
                        retrievePlayerInventory(player's current inventory, arg 1)
                        while name of player's current inventory is "%arg 1%'s Inventory":
                            saveInventoryOfflinePlayer(player's current inventory, arg 1)
                            wait 3 ticks
                        message "&cThat player has played before, but they haven't joined since this script was added so there is no saved inventory data..."
                    message "&cThat player has not played before."
            message "&fView a player or offline player's inventory."
            message "&f/invsee <player>"


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