GUI wont save with Shift+Left

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Active Member
Aug 5, 2018
Hi, ive been working on a Autofarmer, and im stuck on only 1 thing. When a player drags out items from the GUI, it saves fine. If they shift clicks a item out, it wont save. Ill post the saving part i have now. I tried countless things, and its jut not saving the inv. Ill also post a GIF for a example on what its doing. But its leading to a infinite dupe lol. Ive tried looping the slots in the inv, setting a variable to the inv and many many other things. Im not sure what its not saving


Skript version:

Skript Mirror:

Code here.
I can send the WHOLE thing in discord. If someone needs me to. But this is the saving part here:
function saveFarm(p: player):
    set {_slot} to 0
    loop 45 times:
        set {autofarmer::%{_slot}%::%{_p}%} to slot {_slot} of {_p}'s current inventory
        add 1 to {_slot}          
function loadFarm(P: player):
    open chest inventory with 6 rows named "&c&lAuto farming" to {_P}
    set {_slot} to 0
    set {_var} to -1
    set {_var2} to 45
    loop 45 times:
        set slot {_slot} of {_P}'s current inventory to {autofarmer::%{_slot}%::%{_P}%}
        add 1 to {_slot}
    loop 10 times:
        set slot {_var2} of {_P}'s current inventory to black stained glass pane named ""
        add 1 to {_var2}
    set {carrot::%{_P}%} to 0
    set {wheat::%{_P}%} to 0
    set {potato::%{_P}%} to 0
    set slot 53 of {_P}'s current inventory to chest named "&b&lClick to claim all!" with lore "&c&lMake sure your inventory", "&ccan hold all the items" and "&cbefore you click!"
    set slot 51 of {_P}'s current inventory to glowing paper named "&aAutofarmer time left: &c%{autofarm::time::%{_P}%}%" with lore "&b&lTotal Crops farmed:", "&dCarrots: &a%{carrot::%{_P}%}%", "&dWheat: &a%{wheat::%{_P}%}%" and "&dPotato: &a%{potato::%{_P}%}%"
    set slot 45 of {_P}'s current inventory to glowing lever named "&a&lStart farm"
    set slot 47 of {_P}'s current inventory to glowing tnt named "&c&lStop farm"
    set slot 49 of {_P}'s current inventory to glowing barrier named "&c&lMain Page"
on inventory close:
    if {farm::%Player%} is true:
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