Solved GUI Making

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Jul 15, 2018
PLEASE HELP! I have Tuske, I searched many docs, and this code doesn't work, can you solve my problem?

if arg-1 is not set:
            open a chest named "&7&lTITANIUM&6&LMC &cServers" to player
            format slot 0 of player with grass named "&b&lSKYBLOCK AQUA" with lore "|&6%100 CUSTOM MADE" to run player command "is"
            format slot 8 of player with redstone named "&c&l???" with lore "&c&lCOMING SOON||&6In the Making..." to run player command "cs"

  1. code_language.skript:
    if arg-1 is not set:
        open a chest named "&7&lTITANIUM&6&LMC &cServers" to player
        format slot 0 of player with grass named "&b&lSKYBLOCK AQUA" with lore "|&6%100 CUSTOM MADE" to execute player command "is"
        format slot 8 of player with redstone named "&c&l???" with lore "&c&lCOMING SOON||&6In the Making..." to execute player command "cs"
Try this:

if argument-1 is not set:
    open a chest named "&7&lTITANIUM&6&LMC &cServers" to player
    format slot 0 of player with grass named "&b&lSKYBLOCK AQUA" with lore "|&6%100 CUSTOM MADE" to close then run [make player execute command "is"]
    format slot 8 of player with redstone named "&c&l???" with lore "&c&lCOMING SOON||&6In the Making..." to close then run [make player execute command "cs"]

(Btw nice Sasuke picture :emoji_grinning:)
Ja, maar dit is een Engels forum dus anderen willen het ook lezen (translation: yes, but this is an English forum so other people want to read it as well)
Ja, maar dit is een Engels forum dus anderen willen het ook lezen (translation: yes, but this is an English forum so other people want to read it as well)
Wat is je discord? (translation: What is you're discord) xd
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