Gui help

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Active Member
Mar 20, 2018
I want to make a gui with buy permission and when the permission is buyed the slot in the chest with this permission to replace with a redstone block

command /permisiuni:
open chest with 6 row named "&cPermisiuni" to player
wait 1 tick
format slot 0 of player with diamond named "WorldEdit" with lore "5k" to close then run "admin we"
format slot 1 of player with diamond named "fawe.plotsquared" with lore "?" to close then run "admin fawe"
format slot 2 of player with diamond named "voxelsniper.*" with lore "4.5k" to close then run "admin vs"

this is the skript,

Ex: I buy Worldedit permission.And when in tap /permisiuni , the slot 0 in not be a diamond, to be a redstone block

Sorry for bad english
I want to make a gui with buy permission and when the permission is buyed the slot in the chest with this permission to replace with a redstone block

command /permisiuni:
open chest with 6 row named "&cPermisiuni" to player
wait 1 tick
format slot 0 of player with diamond named "WorldEdit" with lore "5k" to close then run "admin we"
format slot 1 of player with diamond named "fawe.plotsquared" with lore "?" to close then run "admin fawe"
format slot 2 of player with diamond named "voxelsniper.*" with lore "4.5k" to close then run "admin vs"

this is the skript,

Ex: I buy Worldedit permission.And when in tap /permisiuni , the slot 0 in not be a diamond, to be a redstone block

Sorry for bad english

I don't understand exactly what you're trying to ask, but I think this will work.
command /permisiuni:
        open chest with 6 row named "&cPermisiuni" to player
        wait 1 tick
        if {bought.we.%player%} is true:
            format slot 0 of player with redstone block named "&cBought!" with lore "5k" to close
            format slot 0 of player with diamond named "WorldEdit" with lore "5k" to close then run "admin we"
        format slot 1 of player with diamond named "fawe.plotsquared" with lore "?" to close then run "admin fawe"
        format slot 2 of player with diamond named "voxelsniper.*" with lore "4.5k" to close then run "admin vs"
command /adminwe:
        set {bought.we.%player%} to true

Probably you will need to do some modifies
Please do not use skQuery's format slot, it is known to be buggy.

Just use vanilla Skript instead:
command /permission:

    open chest inventory named "<light red>Permission" with 6 rows to the player

    set slot 0 of top inventory to diamond named "WorldEdit" with lore "5k"
    # Skript doesn't  have an '<item> with lore <lines>' expression yet.
    # Meanwhile, I recommend using skQuery for it or if you don't want dependencies, use:
    # set line 1 of slot 0 of top inventory to "5k"

# A function to simplify the process, takes the name as the permission and the first line of the lore as the price for it.
# Returns the permission if it was successfully bought.
function buyPermission(perm-item: item, buyer: player) :: text:

  set {_price::*} to line 1 of {_perm-item}'s lore parsed as "%number%%string%"
  if  {_price::2} is "k":
    set {_price} to {_price::1} + 1000
  else if {_price::2} is "m":
    set  {_price} to {_price::1} + 1000000
    set {_price} to {_price::1}

  set {_name} to uncolored display name of {_perm-item}

  set {_permission} to {_name} if {_name} contains ".", else "%{_name}%.*"
  if {_buyer}'s money is greater than or equal to {_price}:
    remove {_price} from {_buyer}'s money
    execute console command "lp user %{_buyer}% %{_permission}% set" # this is for LuckPerms, if you don't want it to spam the console use skUniversal's hook
    return {_permission}

on inventory click:
  display name of clicked inventory is "<light red>Permission"

  set {_perm} to buyPermission(clicked slot, player)
  if {_perm} is set:
    send "<light green>Successfully bought the permission <yellow>'%{_perm}%'"
    send "<light red>Sorry but you don't have enough money for this."
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