Getting item in a certain slot.

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New Member
Jun 23, 2020
Hi! I would like to know how to get a specific item in an SKQuery GUI.

I would also like for it's name, lore, etc. to be attached as well.

%slot 30 of player's current inventory% will not work.

For example:
set {variable} to slot 30 of player's current inventory

That would set {variable} to any item that is in slot 30 of the GUI. e.g: bedrock block named "&6&lBEDROCK" with lore "&aLORE".

Thanks in advance,


My code is for a custom crafting system. You can see the basics I made in 5 minutes here:
command /gui:
    open chest with 5 rows named "Random" to player
    set {_random} to random integer between 0 and 2
    if {_random} is 1:
      format slot 5 of player with red wool named "&c1%%" to be unstealable
    else if {_random} is 2:
      format slot 21 of player with gray wool named "&82%%" to be unstealable
command /gui:
    open chest with 5 rows named "Random" to player
    set {_random} to random integer between 0 and 2
    if {_random} is 1:
      format slot 5 of player with red wool named "&c1%%" to be unstealable
    else if {_random} is 2:
      format slot 21 of player with gray wool named "&82%%" to be unstealable

That is TuSKe and not SKQuery GUIs.

That will also not tell me what the block in the clicked slot will be.
That is not even what I want to do. I want to get the item in the slot of a player's current inventory in a periodic event.
[doublepost=1617296423,1612641445][/doublepost]Still looking.
That is not even what I want to do. I want to get the item in the slot of a player's current inventory in a periodic event.
[doublepost=1617296423,1612641445][/doublepost]Still looking.

Haven't tested this but I got no errors when parsing it.

set {_item} to slot 4 of player's inventory
command /gui:
    set {_gui} to a new chest inventory with 3 rows with name "Gui"
    set slot 0 of {_gui} to diamond sword named "&bHello"
    open {_gui} to player
    set line 1 of slot 0 of current inventory of player's lore to "Good Bye"

That's what works for me
Haven't tested this but I got no errors when parsing it.

set {_item} to slot 4 of player's inventory

Exactly what I tried. It just sets the variable to "slot 4 of player's inventory".

command /gui:
    set {_gui} to a new chest inventory with 3 rows with name "Gui"
    set slot 0 of {_gui} to diamond sword named "&bHello"
    open {_gui} to player
    set line 1 of slot 0 of current inventory of player's lore to "Good Bye"

That's what works for me

That is not what I am trying to do. Please read the full thread. I know how to create a GUI, I know how to put items in a slot. But if somebody was to put an item in a slot of this GUI, how would I get that item? I was thinking about using the Inventory click event.
Exactly what I tried. It just sets the variable to "slot 4 of player's inventory".

That is not what I am trying to do. Please read the full thread. I know how to create a GUI, I know how to put items in a slot. But if somebody was to put an item in a slot of this GUI, how would I get that item? I was thinking about using the Inventory click event.
Have you tried
slot 4 of inventory of player
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