Get recipes (Looking for an addon)

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Mar 6, 2017
Hello, I'm looking for and addon which allows me to get the recipe of an item, for example:

The recipe of a diamond block is:

diamond diamond diamond

diamond diamond diamond

diamond diamond diamond

on command /getrecipe <text>:
set {_1} to slot 1 of arg 1's recipe
set {_2} to slot 2 of arg 1's recipe
set {_3} to slot 3 of arg 1's recipe
set {_4} to slot 4 of arg 1's recipe
set {_5} to slot 5 of arg 1's recipe
set {_6} to slot 6 of arg 1's recipe
set {_7} to slot 7 of arg 1's recipe
set {_8} to slot 8 of arg 1's recipe
set {_9} to slot 9 of arg 1's recipe
message "The recipe is:"
message ""
message "%{_1}% %{_2}% %{_3}%"
message "%{_4}% %{_5}% %{_6}%"
message "%{_7}% %{_8}% %{_9}%"

I want to know the different items needed for crafting an item, I don't need any click thing.
TuSKe has recipe support that might help you.
loop recipes of held item: #A item can have more than one recipe
    send "%ingredients of loop-recipe%" #It will send a list of items. It is 9 items for Shaped and Shapeless recipes, and 1 item for Furnace recipes
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TuSKe has recipe support that might help you.
loop recipes of held item: #A item can have more than one recipe
    send "%ingredients of loop-recipe%" #It will send a list of items. It is 9 items for Shaped and Shapeless recipes, and 1 item for Furnace recipes
But I need items one by one, how could I do that?


I'm making this:

command /rp:
        loop recipes of player's tool: #A item can have more than one recipe
            set {_ingredi::*} to ingredients of loop-recipe
            loop {_ingredi::*}:
                set {_var.%loop-index%} to loop-value-2
                send "&a&l%{_var.%loop-index%}%  %loop-index%"
        send "&c&l%{_var.0}%"
        send "&c&l%{_var.1}%"
        send "&c&l%{_var.2}%"
        send "&c&l%{_var.3}%"
        send "&c&l%{_var.4}%"
        send "&c&l%{_var.5}%"
        send "&c&l%{_var.6}%"
        send "&c&l%{_var.7}%"
        send "&c&l%{_var.8}%"
        send "&c&l%{_var.9}%"
        send "&c&l%{_var.10}%"

When triying to get the sponge recipe (I have a custom recipe), the loop-index 1 is set 2 times: the first time with the first recipe ingredient and the second time with "wet sponge".
So I can't get properly the {_var.1}.

Others items work fine, only sponge is not correct.

Crafts with air are bad ordered. For example, the cobweb crafting (which is shaped) is:

string:0 + air+ string:0
air + string:0 + air
string:0 + air + string:0

But it is shown as:

string:0 + string:0+ string:0
string:0 + string:0 + <none>
<none> + <none> + <none>

The same occurs with all items (even with vanilla craftings)
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But I need items one by one, how could I do that?


I'm making this:

command /rp:
        loop recipes of player's tool: #A item can have more than one recipe
            set {_ingredi::*} to ingredients of loop-recipe
            loop {_ingredi::*}:
                set {_var.%loop-index%} to loop-value-2
                send "&a&l%{_var.%loop-index%}%  %loop-index%"
        send "&c&l%{_var.0}%"
        send "&c&l%{_var.1}%"
        send "&c&l%{_var.2}%"
        send "&c&l%{_var.3}%"
        send "&c&l%{_var.4}%"
        send "&c&l%{_var.5}%"
        send "&c&l%{_var.6}%"
        send "&c&l%{_var.7}%"
        send "&c&l%{_var.8}%"
        send "&c&l%{_var.9}%"
        send "&c&l%{_var.10}%"

When triying to get the sponge recipe (I have a custom recipe), the loop-index 1 is set 2 times: the first time with the first recipe ingredient and the second time with "wet sponge".
So I can't get properly the {_var.1}.

Others items work fine, only sponge is not correct.

Crafts with air are bad ordered. For example, the cobweb crafting (which is shaped) is:

string:0 + air+ string:0
air + string:0 + air
string:0 + air + string:0

But it is shown as:

string:0 + string:0+ string:0
string:0 + string:0 + <none>
<none> + <none> + <none>

The same occurs with all items (even with vanilla craftings)
I forgot to ask, which is your server version?
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You will need to wait a little. 1.12 had recipes changes and it make shaped recipes 3x3 not return the air in item list, I already fixed for next update but I need to finish all stuffs before releasing.
Ok thanks you. I will compile it from GitHub.