Gesture System

Script Gesture System 2.3.1

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Nov 15, 2018
cheezburga submitted a new resource:

Gesture System - Allows users to perform any action you want by using customizable gestures.

Allows users to perform any action you want by using customizable gestures. Uses custom events for maximum customizability.

This script requires Skript (obviously), SkBee (for the particles), and skript-reflect for most of the other stuff. It was coded using 2.6.4, 2.18.1 and 2.3 respectively.

Credit to @danny19990 on Discord who helped with the initial idea for this.

What is a gesture sequence?
  • A gesture sequence is any...

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cheezburga updated Gesture System with a new update entry:

New gesture event system

Overhauled the event system used to add code to each gesture.

New gesture event system:
  • Previously, each time a gesture was registered/removed, a file was created/deleted which allowed for a custom event corresponding to said gesture to be used.
  • Now, there is just one custom event created, which can accept any gesture sequence. It is called using the syntax gesture [[of] %gesture sequence%]. For example, the event would accept any of the following as valid...

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cheezburga updated Gesture System with a new update entry:

New gesture detection

Thanks to @ThatOneWizard, this update features a new gesture detection system.

Previously, the locations used to detect if a user had gestured in a certain direction were not very accurate, and got progressively less functional the more up/down a user looked. Essentially, if you were looking straight up or down, you wouldn't be able to gesture in any meaningful way.

In this new version, vectors are used and rotated around to work at any orientation. Additionally, the...

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cheezburga updated Gesture System with a new update entry:

Added permission and some options

Added permission gestures.admin for easier distinction of what the average player should be able to do.
  • Players without this permission can, by default, toggle whether gestures should be registered for them, and whether they should see particles on gesture.
  • Players with can still access all the features: adding, removing, listing gestures.
  • The tab autocomplete for /gestures reflects whether or not the player has the permission.
Added 3 new options, one...

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