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SkQuery was just an example of how you would debug an addon.

You should do this with all your addons, to see if any addon is the cause of this weird behaviour of my code.
[doublepost=1589653603,1589653570][/doublepost]Also remember to restart your server each and every time
Oooh, ok thanks. I'm doing it
[doublepost=1589654883][/doublepost]Mh no, nothing seems to happen, just the same as i told before
Oooh, ok thanks. I'm doing it
[doublepost=1589654883][/doublepost]Mh no, nothing seems to happen, just the same as i told before
then review all of your other skripts to see if any of those should be the cause
[doublepost=1589656292,1589656258][/doublepost]again, it works for me, so it is something in your end
I tried disable ALL other skripts, but nothing happend
Well then man, i don't know.
Maybe it's because we are on 2 different mc versions (i run 1.12.2) but then again, we run same skript version.. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Well there is another way to do it, with the "to run [execute player command ""]" but is more more long to do, i was searching "on inventory click" method because it was faster, but no problem, i'll do it with commands. Thanks!
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