Fly Command

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Aug 19, 2017
Hai there,
I am making a fly script and I am fairly new to script and need some help.
My script:
command /fly:
        if command sender is console:
            send "&2&lMCM &8» &aThis command can only be executed by a player!"
        if command sender is player:
            if {rank::%player's uuid%} is not "vip+" or "mvp" or "legend" or "helper" or "moderator" or "admin" or "developer" or "owner":
                send "&2&lMCM &8» &cYou must be &a&lVIP&b&+ &cto use this!"
            if {rank::%player's uuid%} is "vip+" or "mvp" or "legend" or "helper" or "moderator" or "admin" or "developer" or "owner":
                if {flight::%player's uuid%} is not set:
                    set {flight::%player's uuid%} to true
                    set player's flight mode to true
                    send "&2&lMCM &8» &aYour flight mode was &benabled&a!"
                    set player's flight mode to false
                    delete {flight::%player's uuid%}
                    send "&2&lMCM &8» &aYour flight mode was &bdisabled&a!"
If the players flight is enabled and the player logs out then later comes back online, I want the flight mode to be enabled again and if the player is falling for the player to stop falling. I was told packets could do this but I don't know anything about packets

Thank you for any help
If I understand you correctly, just add an "on join:" event, add a wait, then check if flight variable is true. I don't see why you need packets for this.
Perhaps it would be easier to just make them invulnerable if they connect while they're flying (which can be easily done checking if the block behind the player is air), if your problem is people dying when reconnecting.

If it's just to be fancy, you can send the packet 0x2C (player abilities) to the player and set the flag field to 0x02 (flying) using MundoSK packets. You also need to send 0x13 with the same value on the flag field to the server. I think, that's what I got from

...I can't be more specific because i don't know how, tho.
Perhaps it would be easier to just make them invulnerable if they connect while they're flying (which can be easily done checking if the block behind the player is air), if your problem is people dying when reconnecting.

If it's just to be fancy, you can send the packet 0x2C (player abilities) to the player and set the flag field to 0x02 (flying) using MundoSK packets. You also need to send 0x13 with the same value on the flag field to the server. I think, that's what I got from

...I can't be more specific because i don't know how, tho.
that's not the right packet and that isn't what you would do even if it was
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