Discord Thread Fireworks but in one. (Skript)

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skUnity Discord

Site Manager
Aug 5, 2023
The skUnity Discord
So I have been trying to make this script go into one firework but I just can't seem to figure out how to. ?
command /test11:
        launch firework flickering ball large coloured yellow and orange fading to red at location 96.500, 81.000, 91.500 with duration 1
        launch firework trailing small ball coloured yellow and orange fading to red at location 96.500, 81.000, 91.500 with duration 1
        launch firework trailing star shaped coloured red and purple fading to pink at location 96.500, 81.000, 91.500 with duration 1
Yes, I have looked into the docs multiple times and have found some ideas on how it could work but never a full example as given here,
**(launch|deploy) [[a] firework [with effect[s]]] %fireworkeffects% at %locations% [([with] (duration|power)|timed) %number%]**
I had seen this and went a little rogue trying to figure out how to colour the seperate effects in one and made some abomination here ?,
command /test10:
        launch firework flickering with effects ball large, small ball and star shaped coloured yellow and orange fading to red coloured yellow and orange fading to red coloured red and purple fading to pink at location 77.500, 85.000, 91.500 with duration 1
Which obviously didn't work but I tried multiple other ways but still couldn't figure it out so I decided to try get some help from other intelligent people on the server the main prime thing I'm trying to get scripted is for all the commands listed in the, "/test11", code to be put in one so it can easily make the first picture sent rather than the second I appreciate any ideas you have on making this work ^.^ .

Posted by: callmelote from the skUnity Discord. View the thread on skUnity Discord here
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