Finding values

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Apr 2, 2023
Hello! I need help finding specific values in a string.
Line type:
&7[&e★ 15&7] Zombie
You only need to get the value of the level, in the example it is 15.
But the main problem is that the level can be at least 1, at least 999.
Please help me.
Hello, here is an example script:
on damage:
    set {_name} to uncolored name of victim:
    if {_name} contains "Zombie":
        replace "[" and "★ " and "] " and "Zombie" with "" in {_name}
        set {_level} to {_name} parsed as number
        send "Level of Zombie is %{_level}%" to attacker
Next time, follow the format of the post, please
Hello, here is an example script:
on damage:
    set {_name} to uncolored name of victim:
    if {_name} contains "Zombie":
        replace "[" and "★ " and "] " and "Zombie" with "" in {_name}
        set {_level} to {_name} parsed as number
        send "Level of Zombie is %{_level}%" to attacker
Next time, follow the format of the post, please
Hello, thanks for your help, but this answer does not suit me, because the name of the monster can be anything - it does not have to be a zombie.
And for the form of the message, I'm sorry if I wrote something wrong. I have tried to describe everything that may be required.
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