Exception in server tick loop (skript error, (I know what i did wrong!)

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Oct 29, 2019
Yeah, so I created a skript that's, like, every time you right click an item it takes it from the player and removes it. That's literally it. Whenever I do it the server crashed and this happens:


It only crashes once you've submitted (once it has taken away) your last steak

Skript Version (do not put latest): 2.4-beta9
Skript Author: Bensku
Minecraft Version: 1.14.4

SKrayball, Vixio, TuSKe, SkQuery, Skellet

TuSKE has a "severe" error on loadup. The one that says it may be affected by addons, that it's not my fault and that i probably cant fix it either

EDIT: I tested it without TuSKE but it still crashes. Error for tuSKE is gone though, of course.
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Yeah, so I created a skript that's, like, every time you right click an item it takes it from the player and removes it. That's literally it. Whenever I do it the server crashed and this happens:


It only crashes once you've submitted (once it has taken away) your last steak

Skript Version (do not put latest): 2.4-beta9
Skript Author: Bensku
Minecraft Version: 1.14.4

SKrayball, Vixio, TuSKe, SkQuery, Skellet

TuSKE has a "severe" error on loadup. The one that says it may be affected by addons, that it's not my fault and that i probably cant fix it either

EDIT: I tested it without TuSKE but it still crashes. Error for tuSKE is gone though, of course.
this is caused by using a click event + removing the player's tool.
you need to add a 1 tick wait before removing the tool
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