Solved every 5 seconds

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Jun 5, 2017
every 1 hour in "RealSpawn" or "FFA" or "Map" or "Freebuild" or "Adminshopl" or "Grundstuecke9":
    if {Job.%loop-player%} is not set:
        add 50 to players's balance
        send "&6XenTra&eStaat&8 »&7 Du hast dein &6Arbeitslosengeld&7 erhalten."
        send "&2+&5 50 Coins&7."
        send "&6XenTra&eStaat&8 »&7 Das &6Arbeitslosengeld&7 ist dir zuwenig? Betrete einen"
        send "&6XenTra&eStaat&8 »&7 Beruf mit /Jobs join &8<&6Job&8>"
There's no player in a periodical event (, line 10: if {Job.%player%} is not set:

Hello dear SkUnity Community, the problem today is that I am trying to create an unemployment benefit script in my job script, I just do not know what to do with this error now, as I usually never specify a world or so with such an "every 5 seconds" variable had to ... please help me.

Kind regards

Niro - SheewSpielt
You need to include loop all players:

Also make sure player turns into loop-player.
Do I have to enter {Job.% Loop player%} in the If query? Because if so comes an error, and if I do not do synonymous comes an error?
Something like this,
    loop all players:
        if {Job.%loop-player%} is not set:
            add 50 to loop-player's balance
            send "stuff" to loop-player
Well, I just tried to shorten that to 5 seconds, but nothing happens ... Now my Jobs System does not work for me ...
Make sure the worlds are correct and capitalized (add a broadcast to be sure that it triggers). If that's not the case, check to make sure the player's job variable is not set.

Other than that, I'm not sure.
So what exactly isn't working? Is it the event or nothing being given to the loop-player.
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