Solved Error

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Aug 23, 2018
Hello guys!
I've tried to make a skript plugin for tokens and coins.
You can win tokens and coins at crates, then you receive them with command /reward

But something is wrong in my code
When player types /reward and select "Coin-uri" or "Token-uri" the system doesn't send player message if he isn't holding an item or he doesn't has it...
And when player is holding the correct item named "Coin" or "Token" the system doesn't give him reward...


command /reward:
open virtual chest with size 1 named "Alege" to player
make gui slot 3 of player with sunflower named "&6Coin-uri" to close
make gui slot 5 of player with sunflower named "&6Token-uri" to close

on inventory click:
if inventory name of player is "Alege":
if clicked slot is 3:
if name of player's tool is "&6&lCoin":
subtract 1 sunflower named "&6&lCoin" from player's inventory
add 1 to {coins.%player%}
send "[&6!&f] Ai primit &61x coins&f!" to player
send "[&c*&f] Nu ai un item numit &6&lCoin&f sau nu il ti in mana!" to player
if clicked slot is 5:
if name of player's tool is "&6&lToken":
subtract 1 sunflower named "&6&lToken" from player's inventory
add 1 to {tokens.%player%}
send "[&6!&f] Ai primit &61x tokens&f!" to player
send "[&c*&f] Nu ai un item numit &6&lToken&f sau nu il ti in mana!" to player

Sorry for my english xD
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Its really hard to tell with the way you have pasted your code. Could you please edit and put it into a code block?
Click the little plus above where you type (beside the picture and film strip) then click code... when the window pops up paste your code in there
Its really hard to tell with the way you have pasted your code. Could you please edit and put it into a code block?
Click the little plus above where you type (beside the picture and film strip) then click code... when the window pops up paste your code in there

command /reward:
        open virtual chest with size 1 named "Alege" to player
        make gui slot 3 of player with sunflower named "&6Coin-uri" to close
        make gui slot 5 of player with sunflower named "&6Token-uri" to close

on inventory click:
    if inventory name of player is "Alege":
        if clicked slot is 3:
            if name of player's tool is "&6&lCoin":
                subtract 1 sunflower named "&6&lCoin" from player's inventory
                add 1 to {coins.%player%}
                send "[&6!&f] Ai primit &61x coins&f!" to player
                send "[&c*&f] Nu ai un item numit &6&lCoin&f sau nu il ti in mana!" to player
        clicked slot is 5:
            if name of player's tool is "&6&lToken":
                subtract 1 sunflower named "&6&lToken" from player's inventory
                add 1 to {tokens.%player%}
                send "[&6!&f] Ai primit &61x tokens&f!" to player
                send "[&c*&f] Nu ai un item numit &6&lToken&f sau nu il ti in mana!" to player
" if name of player's tool is "&6&lCoin":" refers to the item in their hand... if its not in their hand, it won't recognize it
" subtract 1 sunflower named "&6&lCoin" from player's inventory" use remove instead of subtract
" if name of player's tool is "&6&lCoin":" refers to the item in their hand... if its not in their hand, it won't recognize it
" subtract 1 sunflower named "&6&lCoin" from player's inventory" use remove instead of subtract

Yeah, but if the player is holding an item named "&6&lCoin" and use /reward nothing happens...
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