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New Member
Apr 20, 2019
Version: 1.12.2
Version of Skript: v37c
Addons: SkQuery, Skelett, SkRayFall, MundoSK, TuSKe
on script load:
set {_&} to "&"
if yaml value "CHAT-FORMAT" from file "plugins/Battlegrounds/config.yml" is not set:
set yaml value "CHAT-FORMAT" from file "plugins/Battlegrounds/config.yml" to "%{_&}%3{player} %{_&}%8%{_&}%l{arrow-right} %{_&}%7{message}"
if yaml value "COMMANDS.KILL" from file "plugins/Battlegrounds/config.yml" is not set:
set yaml value "COMMANDS.KILL" from file "plugins/Battlegrounds/config.yml" to "eco give {player} 5"
if yaml value "COMMANDS.WIN" from file "plugins/Battlegrounds/config.yml" is not set:
set yaml value "COMMANDS.WIN" from file "plugins/Battlegrounds/config.yml" to "eco give {player} 20"
if yaml value "COMMANDS.GOAL" from file "plugins/Battlegrounds/config.yml" is not set:
set yaml value "COMMANDS.GOAL" from file "plugins/Battlegrounds/config.yml" to "eco give {player} 10"
if yaml value "TIMERS.WAITING" from file "plugins/Battlegrounds/config.yml" is not set:
set yaml value "TIMERS.WAITING" from file "plugins/Battlegrounds/config.yml" to 30
if yaml value "TIMERS.BORDER" from file "plugins/Battlegrounds/config.yml" is not set:
set yaml value "TIMERS.BORDER" from file "plugins/Battlegrounds/config.yml" to 3
if yaml value "MIX.ALLOW-PARACHUTE-AFTER" from file "plugins/Battlegrounds/config.yml" is not set:
set yaml value "MIX.ALLOW-PARACHUTE-AFTER" from file "plugins/Battlegrounds/config.yml" to 30
if yaml value "MIX.ENABLE-CHESTS" from file "plugins/Battlegrounds/config.yml" is not set:
set yaml value "MIX.ENABLE-CHESTS" from file "plugins/Battlegrounds/config.yml" to true
if yaml value "ITEMS.LEAVE" from file "plugins/Battlegrounds/config.yml" is not set:
set yaml value "ITEMS.LEAVE" from file "plugins/Battlegrounds/config.yml" to "bed_item"
if yaml value "ITEMS.LEAVE-NAME" from file "plugins/Battlegrounds/config.yml" is not set:
set yaml value "ITEMS.LEAVE-NAME" from file "plugins/Battlegrounds/config.yml" to "%{_&}%c%{_&}%lLEAVE"
if yaml value "MESSAGES.PREFIX" from file "plugins/Battlegrounds/config.yml" is not set:
set yaml value "MESSAGES.PREFIX" from file "plugins/Battlegrounds/config.yml" to "%{_&}%6%{_&}%lBATTLEGROUNDS %{_&}%8%{_&}%l{arrow-right} %{_&}%7"
if yaml value "MESSAGES.JOIN-MESSAGE" from file "plugins/Battlegrounds/config.yml" is not set:
set yaml value "MESSAGES.JOIN-MESSAGE" from file "plugins/Battlegrounds/config.yml" to "%{_&}%a{player} %{_&}%ehas joined to the game."
if yaml value "MESSAGES.LEFT-MESSAGE" from file "plugins/Battlegrounds/config.yml" is not set:
set yaml value "MESSAGES.LEFT-MESSAGE" from file "plugins/Battlegrounds/config.yml" to "%{_&}%a{player} %{_&}%ehas left the game."
if yaml value "MESSAGES.STARTING-IN" from file "plugins/Battlegrounds/config.yml" is not set:
set yaml value "MESSAGES.STARTING-IN" from file "plugins/Battlegrounds/config.yml" to "%{_&}%eStarting in %{_&}%6{seconds} %{_&}%eseconds"
if yaml value "SCOREBOARD.WEBSITE" from file "plugins/Battlegrounds/config.yml" is not set:
set yaml value "SCOREBOARD.WEBSITE" from file "plugins/Battlegrounds/config.yml" to "%{_&}%eMC.SERVER.NET"
if yaml value "STATUS.INGAME" from file "plugins/Battlegrounds/config.yml" is not set:
set yaml value "STATUS.INGAME" from file "plugins/Battlegrounds/config.yml" to "%{_&}%cINGAME"
if yaml value "STATUS.STARTING" from file "plugins/Battlegrounds/config.yml" is not set:
set yaml value "STATUS.STARTING" from file "plugins/Battlegrounds/config.yml" to "%{_&}%3STARTING..."
if yaml value "STATUS.WAITING" from file "plugins/Battlegrounds/config.yml" is not set:
set yaml value "STATUS.WAITING" from file "plugins/Battlegrounds/config.yml" to "%{_&}%aWAITING"
if yaml value "MESSAGES.IN-GAME" from file "plugins/Battlegrounds/config.yml" is not set:
set yaml value "MESSAGES.IN-GAME" from file "plugins/Battlegrounds/config.yml" to "%{_&}%cYou are already in game."
if yaml value "MESSAGES.NOT-IN-GAME" from file "plugins/Battlegrounds/config.yml" is not set:
set yaml value "MESSAGES.NOT-IN-GAME" from file "plugins/Battlegrounds/config.yml" to "%{_&}%c%{_&}%lYou are not in game."
if yaml value "MESSAGES.KILL-MESSAGE" from file "plugins/Battlegrounds/config.yml" is not set:
set yaml value "MESSAGES.KILL-MESSAGE" from file "plugins/Battlegrounds/config.yml" to "%{_&}%7{victim} %{_&}%7was killed by %{_&}%7{killer}"
if yaml list "MESSAGES.SUMMARY" from file "plugins/Battlegrounds/config.yml" is not set:
add "%{_&}%a----------------------------------------------", " ", " %{_&}%e%{_&}%lBATTLE ROYALE ", " ", " %{_&}%fWINNER - %{_&}%7{winner} ", " ", " %{_&}%3KILLS - %{_&}%7{kills} ", " " and "%{_&}%a----------------------------------------------" to {_SUMMARY::*}
loop {_SUMMARY::*}:
add "%loop-value%" to yaml list "MESSAGES.SUMMARY" from file "plugins/Battlegrounds/config.yml"
if yaml value "Min-Items" from file "plugins/Battlegrounds/chest.yml" is not set:
set yaml value "Min-Items" from file "plugins/Battlegrounds/chest.yml" to 3
if yaml value "Max-Items" from file "plugins/Battlegrounds/chest.yml" is not set:
set yaml value "Max-Items" from file "plugins/Battlegrounds/chest.yml" to 7
if yaml list "CHEST" from file "plugins/Battlegrounds/chest.yml" is not set:
add 1 stone_sword,1 diamond,1 golden_carrot,1 golden_apple, 1 bread,1 baked potato,1 cooked_beef,1 cooked_porkchop,1 cooked_chicken,1 iron_helmet,1 iron_chestplate,1 iron_leggings,1 iron_boots,1 chainmail_helmet,1 chainmail_chestplate,1 chainmail_leggings,1 chainmail_boots,1 golden_helmet,1 golden_chestplate,1 golden_leggings,1 golden_boots,1 bow, 1 pumpkin pie, 1 raw porkchop, 1 raw_chicken, 1 cookie, 1 cooked_fish, 1 stone_sword, 1 wooden_sword, 1 stone_axe, 1 wooden_axe, 1 fishing_rod, 1 bow, 5 arrows, 1 iron_ingot, 1 gold_ingot, 1 stick, 1 feather, 1 leather_helmet, 1 leather_chestplate, 1 leather_leggings, leather_boots and 5 arrows to {_list::*}
loop {_list::*}:
add "%loop-value%" to yaml list "CHEST" from file "plugins/Battlegrounds/chest.yml"
delete {BG::*}
set {BG::CONFIG::%loop-value%} to yaml value "%loop-value%" from file "plugins/Battlegrounds/config.yml"
loop {BG::CONFIG::*}:
replace all "&" with "§" in {BG::CONFIG::%loop-index%}
replace all "{arrow-right}" with "»" in {BG::CONFIG::%loop-index%}
replace all "{arrow-left}" with "«" in {BG::CONFIG::%loop-index%}

function format_slot(inv: inventory, slot: number, amount: number, item: item, name: text = "", lore: text = ""):
{_lore} is not "":
set {_line} to 1
loop {_lore} split at "||":
set line {_line} of the lore of {_item} to colored loop-value
add 1 to {_line}
set slot {_slot} of {_inv} to {_amount} of {_item} named {_name}

command /battlegrouns [<text>] [<text>] [<text>] [<number>]:
aliases: bg
executable by: players
if arg-1 is "help" or "createarena" or "setspawn" or "join" or "leave" or "setlobby" or "deleteArena" or "list" or "autojoin" or "savearena" or "autojoin" or "stats" or "setarenalobby" or "setcenter" or "set-route-start" or "set-route-end" or "save-route" or "remove-route" or "start" or "border" or "reload" or "setbordersize":
if arg 1 is "help":
if player have permission "bg.player":
send "&7&l------------&8[ &6&lBATTLEGROUNDS &8]&7&l------------"
send "&7/bg list"
send "&7/bg join &8(&7arena_name&8)"
send "&7/bg autojoin"
send "&7/bg leave"
if player have permission "bg.admin":
send "&7/bg Start"
send "&7/bg ResetStats &8(&7player_name&8)"
send "&7/bg SetLobby"
send "&7/bg CreateArena &8(&7arena_name&8)"
send "&7/bg SetArenaLobby &8(&7arena_name&8)"
send "&7/bg SetCenter &8(&7arena_name&8)"
send "&7/bg Set-Route-Start &8(&7arena_name&8)"
send "&7/bg Set-Route-End &8(&7arena_name&8)"
send "&7/bg Save-Route &8(&7arena_name&8)"
send "&7/bg Remove-Route &8(&7arena_name&8)"
send "&7/bg Border &8(&7arena_name&8) &8(&7add/list&8/&7remove)"
send "&7/bg SetBorderSize &8(&7arena_name&8) &8(&7first border size&8)"
send "&7/bg SaveArena &8(&7arena_name&8)"
send "&7/bg DeleteArena &8(&7arena_name&8)"
send "&7&l------------------------------------------"
if arg 1 is "join":
bg_join(player, arg-2)
if arg 1 is "list":
if {bg.player::%uuid of player%.state} is not set:
open chest inventory with 6 rows named "&8&l» &7BATTLEGROUNDS - ARENAS" to player
set {_slot} to 10
set slot 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 17, 26, 35, 44, 18, 27, 36, 9, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53 and 8 of player's current inventory to green glass named "&8 "
loop {bg.arenas::*}:
format_slot(player's current inventory, {_slot}, 1, green clay, "&e", "&8&l» &7NAME: &c&l%loop-value%||||&8&l» &7PLAYING: &3%size of {bg.arena.%loop-value%.ninjas::*}%||||&8&l» &7STATE: &a%{bg.arena.%loop-value%.status}%")
add 1 to {_slot}
if {_slot} is 17 or 26 or 35:
add 2 to {_slot}
if arg 1 is "leave":
if arg 1 is "autojoin":
if {bg.player::%uuid of player%.state} is not set:
loop {bg.arenas::*}:
if {bg.arena.%loop-value%.status} is "WAITING" or "STARTING":
bg_join(player, loop-value)
if arg-1 is "stats":
send "&e&l✦&7&l&m--------------------------------------&e&l✦"
send ""
send "&8&l» &6&lBATTLEGROUNDS STATS &8&l«"
send ""
send "&6&l» &7&lWINS &c%{bg.stats.wins::%uuid of player%}%"
send "&6&l» &7&lKILLS &c%{bg.stats.kills::%uuid of player%}%"
send "&6&l» &7&lDEATHS &c%{bg.stats.deaths::%uuid of player%}%"
send ""
send "&e&l✦&7&l&m--------------------------------------&e&l✦"
if arg 1 is "createarena":
if player has permission "bg.admin":
if arg-2 is set:
if {bg.arena.%arg-2%.state} is not set:
set {bg.arena.%arg-2%.state} to "created"
send "%{BG::CONFIG::MESSAGES.PREFIX}% &aArena &c%arg-2% &ahas been created!"
send "%{BG::CONFIG::MESSAGES.PREFIX}% &aThis arena already exists!"
send "%{BG::CONFIG::MESSAGES.PREFIX}% &aSpecify Arena!"
if arg 1 is "setarenalobby":
if player has permission "bg.admin":
if {bg.arena.%arg-2%.state} is "created" or "ready":
set {bg.arena.%arg-2%.lobby} to location of player
send "%{BG::CONFIG::MESSAGES.PREFIX}% &aLobby for Arena &3%arg-2% &ahas been set!"
send "%{BG::CONFIG::MESSAGES.PREFIX}% &aThis arena not exists"
if arg 1 is "setlobby":
if player has permission "bg.admin":
set {bg.lobby} to location of player
send "%{BG::CONFIG::MESSAGES.PREFIX}% &aLobby set."
if arg 1 is "set-route-start":
if player has permission "bg.admin":
if arg-2 is set:
if {} is not set:
set {} to 1
set {bg.arena.%arg-2%.start.%{}%} to location of player
send "%{BG::CONFIG::MESSAGES.PREFIX}% &aStart with id &e&n%{}%&r &aset."
if arg 1 is "set-route-end":
if player has permission "bg.admin":
if arg-2 is set:
if {} is not set:
set {} to 1
set {bg.arena.%arg-2%.end.%{}%} to location of player
send "%{BG::CONFIG::MESSAGES.PREFIX}% &aEnd with id &e&n%{}%&r &aset."
if arg 1 is "save-route":
if player has permission "bg.admin":
if arg-2 is set:
if {} is set:
if {bg.arena.%arg-2%.start.%{}%} and {bg.arena.%arg-2%.end.%{}%} is set:
send "%{BG::CONFIG::MESSAGES.PREFIX}% &aRoute with id &e&n%{}%&r&a saved."
add 1 to {}
if arg 1 is "remove-route":
if player has permission "bg.admin":
if arg-2 is set:
if {} is set:
delete {bg.arena.%arg-2%.start.%{}%} and {bg.arena.%arg-2%.end.%{}%}
send "%{BG::CONFIG::MESSAGES.PREFIX}% &aDelete route with id &e&n%{}%&r&a."
remove 1 from {}
if arg 1 is "setcenter":
if player has permission "bg.admin":
set {} to location of player
send "%{BG::CONFIG::MESSAGES.PREFIX}% &aCenter set."
if arg 1 is "setbordersize":
if player has permission "bg.admin":
set {bg.arena.%arg-2%.first-border} to arg-3 parsed as number
send "%{BG::CONFIG::MESSAGES.PREFIX}% &aBorder size set."
if arg 1 is "resetstats":
if player has permission "bg.admin":
set {_p} to arg-2 parsed as player
bg_stats("reset", {_p})
send "%{BG::CONFIG::MESSAGES.PREFIX}% &cReseted Stats for &a%{_p}%"
if arg 1 is "border":
if player has permission "bg.admin":
if arg-3 is "add":
if {} is not set:
set {} to 1
set {bg.arena.%arg-2%.BORDERS::%{}%} to location of player
send "%{BG::CONFIG::MESSAGES.PREFIX}% &aAdded border with id ##%{}% to your location."
add 1 to {}
else if arg-3 is "list":
send "&a○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○"
loop {bg.arena.%arg-2%.BORDERS::*}:
send "&a##%loop-index% &e&n%loop-value%"
send "&a○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○"
else if arg-3 is "remove":
if arg-4 is set:
delete {bg.arena.%arg-2%.BORDERS::%arg-4%}
send "%{BG::CONFIG::MESSAGES.PREFIX}% &cDeleted border with id ##%arg-4%."
send "%{BG::CONFIG::MESSAGES.PREFIX}% &a/bg border (arena) [add/list/remove = (id)]"
if arg 1 is "start":
if player has permission "bg.admin":
#size of {bg.arena.%{bg.player::%uuid of player%.arena}%.ninjas::*} > 1
bg_start({bg.player::%uuid of player%.arena})
if arg 1 is "reload":
if player has permission "bg.admin":
broadcast "%{BG::CONFIG::MESSAGES.PREFIX}% &aReloading..."
make console execute command "sk reload %script%"
if arg 1 is "savearena":
if player has permission "bg.admin":
if {bg.arena.%arg-2%.state} is "created":
if {bg.arena.%arg-2%.lobby} is set:
if {bg.arena.%arg-2%.start.1} is set:
if {bg.arena.%arg-2%.end.1} is set:
if {} is set:
if {bg.arena.%arg-2%.first-border} is set:
if size of {bg.arena.%arg-2%.BORDERS::*} > 1:
set {bg.arena.%arg-2%.state} to "ready"
add arg-2 to {bg.arenas::*}
send "%{BG::CONFIG::MESSAGES.PREFIX}% &aArena &c%arg-2% &ahas been saved."
send "%{BG::CONFIG::MESSAGES.PREFIX}% &aNo border locations added!"
send "%{BG::CONFIG::MESSAGES.PREFIX}% &aBorder size is not set!"
send "%{BG::CONFIG::MESSAGES.PREFIX}% &aCenter is not set!"
send "%{BG::CONFIG::MESSAGES.PREFIX}% &aEnd point is not set"
send "%{BG::CONFIG::MESSAGES.PREFIX}% &aStart point is not set"
send "%{BG::CONFIG::MESSAGES.PREFIX}% &aLobby is not set!"
send "%{BG::CONFIG::MESSAGES.PREFIX}% &aThis arena not exists"
if arg 1 is "deletearena":
if player has permission "bg.admin":
if {bg.arena.%arg-2%.state} is set:
delete {bg.arena.%arg-2%.lobby}
delete {}
delete {bg.arena.%arg-2%.seconds}
delete {bg.arena.%arg-2%.minutes}
delete {bg.arena.%arg-2%.status}
delete {bg.arena.%arg-2%.BORDERS::*}
delete {bg.arena.%arg-2%.border.status}
delete {bg.arena.%arg-2%.ninjas::*}
delete {bg.arena.%arg-2%.border-size}
delete {}
delete {bg.arena.%arg-2%.state}
delete {}
loop {} times:
delete {bg.arena.%arg-2%.start.%loop-number%}
delete {bg.arena.%arg-2%.end.%loop-number%}
delete {}
remove arg-2 from {bg.arenas::*}
send "%{BG::CONFIG::MESSAGES.PREFIX}% &aArena &c%arg-2% &ahas been deleted."
send "%{BG::CONFIG::MESSAGES.PREFIX}% &aThis arena not exists"
make player execute command "bg help"

on chat:
if {bg.player::%uuid of player%.state} is "IN-GAME":
cancel event
set {_msg} to {BG::CONFIG::CHAT-FORMAT}
replace all "{player}" in {_msg} with player's displayname
replace all "&" with " " in message
replace all "{message}" with message in {_msg}
send {_msg} to {bg.arena.%{bg.player::%uuid of player%.arena}%.ninjas::*}

on drop:
if {bg.arena.%{bg.player::%uuid of player%.arena}%.status} is "STARTING" or "WAITING":
cancel event

on right click on chest:
if {bg.player::%uuid of player%.state} is "IN-GAME":
yaml value "MIX.ENABLE-CHESTS" from file "plugins/Battlegrounds/config.yml" is true
if {bg.arena.%{bg.player::%uuid of player%.arena}%.CHESTS::%location of event-block%} is not set:
clear inventory of block at event-block
set {_min} to yaml value "Min-Items" from file "plugins/Battlegrounds/chest.yml"
set {_max} to yaml value "Max-Items" from file "plugins/Battlegrounds/chest.yml"
set {_items} to random number between {_min} and {_max}
set {_loot::*} to yaml list "CHEST" from file "plugins/Battlegrounds/chest.yml"
loop rounded {_items} times:
set {_slot} to a random number between 0 and 26
set {_random} to a random element out of {_loot::*}
add {_random} parsed as material to slot {_slot} of block at event-block
set {bg.arena.%{bg.player::%uuid of player%.arena}%.CHESTS::%location of event-block%} to location of event-block

on hunger bar change:
if {bg.player::%uuid of player%.state} is "IN-GAME":
if {bg.arena.%{bg.player::%uuid of player%.arena}%.status} is "STARTING" or "WAITING":
set player's hunger to 20

on damage of player:
if {bg.player::%uuid of victim%.state} is "IN-GAME":
if {bg.arena.%{bg.player::%uuid of victim%.arena}%.status} is "STARTING" or "WAITING":
cancel event
damage was caused by void
teleport victim to {bg.arena.%{bg.player::%uuid of victim%.arena}%.lobby}
if {bg.arena.%{bg.player::%uuid of victim%.arena}%.status} is "INGAME":
metadata value "BG-LANDED" of victim is not set:
cancel event
if damage >= health of victim:
cancel event
add 1 to {bg.player::%uuid of attacker%.kills}
show an action bar from "&7You killed %victim% with %attacker's tool% &7- %size of {bg.arena.%{bg.player::%uuid of attacker%.arena}%.ninjas::*}% &7left &c&l%{bg.player::%uuid of attacker%.kills}% &c&lKILLS" to attacker
if attacker is player:
attacker is not victim
set metadata value "LAST-HIT" of victim to attacker
damage was caused by void:
cancel event

function bg_remove(p: player, arena: text):
remove {_p} from {bg.arena.%{_arena}%.ninjas::*}
if {bg.arena.%{_arena}%.status} is "INGAME":
size of {bg.arena.%{_arena}%.ninjas::*} is 1:
set {_winner} to random element out of {bg.arena.%{_arena}%.ninjas::*}
set {_uuid} to uuid of {_winner}
loop yaml list "MESSAGES.SUMMARY" from file "plugins/Battlegrounds/config.yml":
set {_msg} to loop-value
replace all "{winner}" with "%{_winner}%" in {_msg}
replace all "{kills}" with "%{bg.player::%{_uuid}%.kills}%" in {_msg}
send coloured {_msg} to {bg.arena.%{_arena}%.ninjas::*}
add 1 to {bg.stats.wins::%{_uuid}%}
loop 10 times:
launch "BALL" firework at location of {_winner} timed 1 coloured "RED" and "BLUE" AND "YELLOW" AND "GREEN"
wait a second

function bg_death(p: player):
metadata value "BG-DEATH" of {_p} is not set:
set metadata value "BG-DEATH" of {_p} to "SET"
set {_uuid} to uuid of {_p}
add 1 to {bg.stats.deaths::%{_uuid}%}
metadata value "LAST-HIT" of {_p} is not set:
set {_y} to "unknown"
set {_y} to metadata value "LAST-HIT" of {_p}
set {_uuid} to uuid of {_y}
add 1 to {bg.stats.kills::%{_uuid}%}
set {_o-o} to {BG::CONFIG::COMMANDS.KILL}
replace all "{player}" in {_o-o} with "%{_y}%"
make console execute command "%{_o-o}%"
replace all "{victim}" in {_msg} with "%{_p}%"
replace all "{killer}" in {_msg} with "%{_y}%"
send "%{BG::CONFIG::MESSAGES.PREFIX}% %{_msg}%" to {bg.arena.%{bg.player::%{_uuid}%.arena}%.ninjas::*}
add {_p} to {bg.arena.%{bg.player::%{_uuid}%.arena}%.bad-ninjas::*}
send {_p} title "&e&l##%size of {bg.arena.%{bg.player::%{_uuid}%.arena}%.ninjas::*}% &c&lGAME OVER" with subtitle "&eBATTLE ROYALE" for 5 seconds with 0 second fade in and 0 second fade out
bg_remove({_p}, {bg.player::%{_uuid}%.arena})
set {_p}'s gamemode to spectator
set {_helmet} to {_p}'s helmet
set {_chestplate} to {_p}'s chestplate
set {_leggings} to {_p}'s leggings
set {_boots} to {_p}'s boots
loop blocks in radius 1 of {_p}:
loop-block is air
set loop-block to chest
set {bg.arena.%{bg.player::%{_uuid}%.arena}%.CHESTS::%location of loop-block%} to location of loop-block
add {_helmet}, {_chestplate}, {_leggings} and {_boots} to loop-block
loop items in {_p}'s inventory:
add loop-item to loop-block
add 1 golden apple to loop-block
add location of loop-block to {bg.arena.%{bg.player::%{_uuid}%.arena}%.KILL-ME-PLS::*}
set {_block} to true
loop items in {_p}'s inventory:
drop loop-item at {_p}

on load:
delete {bg.player::*}
send "&7&l--------------------------------------------" to console
send " " to console
send "%{BG::CONFIG::MESSAGES.PREFIX}% &aLoading &ev.0.0.4-B&a..." to console
wait a tick
broadcast "%{BG::CONFIG::MESSAGES.PREFIX}% &a&lPlugin loaded!"
send " " to console
send "&7&l--------------------------------------------" to console
loop {bg.arenas::*}:
delete {bg.arena.%loop-value-1%.ninjas::*} and {bg.arena.%loop-value-1%.bad-ninjas::*}

on unload:
send "&7&l--------------------------------------------" to console
send " " to console
send "%{BG::CONFIG::MESSAGES.PREFIX}% &aDisabling &ev.0.0.4-B&a..." to console
send "%{BG::CONFIG::MESSAGES.PREFIX}% &ev.0.0.4-B &adisabled!" to console
send " " to console
send "&7&l--------------------------------------------" to console

function bg_stats(do: text, p: player):
set {_uuid} to uuid of {_p}
{_do} is "check":
loop "kills", "deaths" and "wins":
{bg.stats.%loop-value%::%{_uuid}%} is not set
set {bg.stats.%loop-value%::%{_uuid}%} to 0
{_do} is "reset":
loop "kills", "deaths" and "wins":
set {bg.stats.%loop-value%::%{_uuid}%} to 0

function bg_leave(p: player):
set {_uuid} to uuid of {_p}
if {bg.player::%{_uuid}%.state} is "IN-GAME":
replace all "{player}" in {_msg} with {_p}'s displayname
bg_remove({_p}, {bg.player::%{_uuid}%.arena})
send "%{BG::CONFIG::MESSAGES.PREFIX}% %{_msg}%" to {bg.arena.%{bg.player::%{_uuid}%.arena}%.ninjas::*}
loop "fly", "arena", "start", "end" and "state":
delete {bg.player::%{_uuid}%.%loop-value%}
teleport {_p} to {bg.lobby}
#need to be removed

function bg_join(p: player, arena: text):
set {_uuid} to uuid of {_p}
if {bg.player::%{_uuid}%.state} is not set:
if {bg.arena.%{_arena}%.state} is "ready":
if {bg.arena.%{_arena}%.status} is "WAITING" or "STARTING":
if size of {bg.arena.%{_arena}%.ninjas::*} < 100:
set {bg.player::%{_uuid}%.state} to "IN-GAME"
set {bg.player::%{_uuid}%.arena} to {_arena}
set {bg.player::%{_uuid}%.kills} to 0
set slot 8 of {_p} to {BG::CONFIG::ITEMS.LEAVE} parsed as material named "%{BG::CONFIG::ITEMS.LEAVE-NAME}%"
add {_p} to {bg.arena.%{_arena}%.ninjas::*}
if size of {bg.arena.%{_arena}%.ninjas::*} = 2:
replace all "{player}" in {_msg} with {_p}'s displayname
replace all "{players-count}" in {_msg} with "%size of {bg.arena.%{_arena}%.ninjas::*}%"
send "%{BG::CONFIG::MESSAGES.PREFIX}% %{_msg}%" to {bg.arena.%{_arena}%.ninjas::*}
teleport {_p} to {bg.arena.%{_arena}%.lobby}
bg_createBoard({_p}, "BG-WAITING", 7)
send "%{BG::CONFIG::MESSAGES.PREFIX}% &7This arena is full" to {_p}
send "%{BG::CONFIG::MESSAGES.PREFIX}% &7This game is running" to {_p}
send "%{BG::CONFIG::MESSAGES.PREFIX}% &7This arena not exists" to {_p}

on join:
bg_stats("check", player)

on right click with anything:
if {bg.player::%uuid of player%.state} is "IN-GAME":
name of event-item is {BG::CONFIG::ITEMS.LEAVE-NAME}:
cancel event
on quit:

on flight togge:
if {bg.player::%uuid of player%.state} is "IN-GAME":
if metadata value "BG-FLY" of player is set:
cancel event

on damage of chicken:
metadata value "type" of victim is "PLANE" or "PARACHUTE":
cancel event

function bg_fly_2(p: player, start: location, end: location):
load chunk chunk at {_start}
set {_uuid} to uuid of {_p}
teleport {_p} to {_start}
wait 10 ticks
set {_p}'s flight mode to true
set {_p}'s gamemode to survival
spawn an chicken at {_p}
set {_p-plane-%{_p}%} to spawned chicken
set metadata value "type" of {_p-plane-%{_p}%} to "PLANE"
set metadata value "BG-PLANE" of {_p-plane-%{_p}%} to {_p}
#apply invisibility without any particles to {_p-plane-%{_p}%} for 7 days
make {_p} ride {_p-plane-%{_p}%}
set metadata value "BG-FLY" of {_p} to "SET"
while metadata value "BG-FLY" of {_p} is set:
add 1 to {_title}
set {_v} to vector between {_p} and {_end}
push {_p-plane-%{_p}%} {_v} at speed 0.1
if y-coords of {_p} < y-coords of {_end}:
push {_p-plane-%{_p}%} upwards at speed 0.2
if y-coords of {_p} > y-coords of {_end} +10:
push {_p-plane-%{_p}%} downwards at speed 0.1
if distance between {_p} and {_end} < 30:
wait 2 ticks
loop all chickens in radius 2 of {_p}:
metadata value "BG-PLANE" of loop-value is {_p}:
delete loop-value
if distance between {_p} and {_start} > yaml value "MIX.ALLOW-PARACHUTE-AFTER" from file "plugins/Battlegrounds/config.yml":
{_title} >= 20:
send {_p} title "&e" with subtitle "&ePRESS &bSNEAK &eTO OPEN PARACHUTE" for 1 seconds with 0 second fade in and 0 second fade out
set {_title} to 0
if distance between {_p} and {_end} < 10:
make {_p} dismount
wait a tick

function bg_fly(arena: text):
set {_route} to rounded random number between 1 and {bg.arena.%{_arena}} -1
set {_center} to {bg.arena.%{_arena}%.start.%{_route}%}
set {_end} to {bg.arena.%{_arena}%.end.%{_route}%}
set x-coords of {_center} to x-coords of {bg.arena.%{_arena}%.start.%{_route}%} -5
set x-coords of {_end} to x-coords of {bg.arena.%{_arena}%.start.%{_route}%} -5
set {_count} to 0
loop {bg.arena.%{_arena}%.ninjas::*}:
set {bg.player::%uuid of loop-value%.start} to {_center}
set {bg.player::%uuid of loop-value%.end} to {_end}
teleport loop-value to {_center}
apply blindness to loop-value for 3 seconds
bg_fly_2(loop-value, {_center}, {_end})
add 1 to x-coords of {_center}
add 1 to x-coords of {_end}
add 1 to {_count}
{_count} = 10:
add 2 to x-coords of {_center}
add 2 to x-coords of {_end}
set {_count} to 0

function bg_parachute(p: player):
delete metadata value "BG-FLY" of {_p}
set {_p}'s flight mode to false
loop all chickens in radius 2 of {_p}:
metadata value "BG-PARACHUTE" of loop-value is {_p}:
delete loop-value
wait 10 ticks
if {_p} is on ground:
set metadata value "BG-LANDED" of {_p} to "SET"
spawn an chicken at {_p}
set {_p-parachute} to spawned chicken
set metadata value "type" of {_p-parachute} to "PARACHUTE"
#apply invisibility without any particles to {_p-parachute} for 7 days
set metadata value "BG-PARACHUTE" of {_p-parachute} to {_p}
make {_p} ride {_p-parachute}
push {_p} forwards at speed 0.2
while {_p} is not on ground:
{_p} is riding a chicken:
{_p-parachute} is not on ground:
set {_v} to vector between {_p} and block in front of {_p}
push {_p-parachute} {_v} at speed 0.05
push {_p} downwards at speed 0.1
{_p-parachute} is on ground:
make {_p} dismount
set {_loc} to location of {_p}
set y-coords of {_loc} to -100
teleport {_p-parachute} to {_loc}
set metadata value "BG-LANDED" of {_p} to "SET"
push {_p} upwards at speed 0.2
wait a tick

on dismount:
if {bg.player::%uuid of player%.state} is "IN-GAME":
player is riding a chicken
metadata value "BG-FLY" of player is set:
loop all chickens in radius 2 of player:
metadata value "BG-PLANE" of loop-value is player:
delete loop-value
wait a tick
if distance between {bg.player::%uuid of player%.start} and player < yaml value "MIX.ALLOW-PARACHUTE-AFTER" from file "plugins/Battlegrounds/config.yml":
bg_fly_2(player, {bg.player::%uuid of player%.start}, {bg.player::%uuid of player%.end})
metadata value "BG-FLY" of player is not set:
wait a tick

on break:
if {bg.player::%uuid of player%.state} is "IN-GAME":
cancel event

on place:
if {bg.player::%uuid of player%.state} is "IN-GAME":
cancel event
on inventory click:
if display name of top inventory of player is "&8&l» &7BATTLEGROUNDS - ARENAS":
cancel event
set {_arena} to line 1 of the lore of event-item
bg_join(player, last element of {_arena} split at "8&l» &7NAME: &c&l")

function bg_border_shrink(arena: text, size: number):
set diameter of world "%{bg.arena.%{_arena}}'s world%" to {_size} over 2 minutes
loop 120 times:
if {bg.arena.%{_arena}%.status} is "INGAME":
wait a second
set {_time} to yaml value "TIMERS.BORDER" from file "plugins/Battlegrounds/config.yml"
set {bg.arena.%{_arena}} to {bg.arena.%{_arena}}
bg_game_border({_arena}, {_time}, {bg.arena.%{_arena}})

function bg_game_border(arena: text, minutes: number, center: location):
set {bg.arena.%{_arena}%.minutes} to {_minutes} -1
set {bg.arena.%{_arena}%.seconds} to 60
set {bg.arena.%{_arena}%.border.status} to ""
set {bg.arena.%{_arena}} to {_center}
wait a tick
set center of world "%{bg.arena.%{_arena}}'s world%" to {bg.arena.%{_arena}}
set diameter of world "%{bg.arena.%{_arena}}'s world%" to {bg.arena.%{_arena}%.border-size}
while {bg.arena.%{_arena}%.status} is "INGAME":
remove 1 from {bg.arena.%{_arena}%.seconds}
if {bg.arena.%{_arena}%.seconds} < 9:
set {_sec} to "0%{bg.arena.%{_arena}%.seconds}%"
set {_sec} to {bg.arena.%{_arena}%.seconds}
set {bg.arena.%{_arena}%.border.status} to "&fNEXT BORDER &a0%{bg.arena.%{_arena}%.minutes}%:%{_sec}%"
if {bg.arena.%{_arena}%.seconds} is 1:
if {bg.arena.%{_arena}%.minutes} = 0:
set {bg.arena.%{_arena}%.border.status} to "&cBORDER CLOSING"
set {bg.arena.%{_arena}%.border-size} to {bg.arena.%{_arena}%.border-size}/2
bg_border_shrink({_arena}, {bg.arena.%{_arena}%.border-size})
set {bg.arena.%{_arena}%.minutes} and {bg.arena.%{_arena}%.seconds} to 0
if {bg.arena.%{_arena}%.seconds} is 1:
if {bg.arena.%{_arena}%.minutes} > 0:
remove 1 from {bg.arena.%{_arena}%.minutes}
set {bg.arena.%{_arena}%.seconds} to 59
wait a second

function bg_start(arena: text):
set {bg.arena.%{_arena}%.status} to "INGAME"
set {_time} to yaml value "TIMERS.BORDER" from file "plugins/Battlegrounds/config.yml"
set {bg.arena.%{_arena}%.border-size} to {bg.arena.%{_arena}%.first-border}
set {_center} to a random element out of {bg.arena.%{_arena}%.BORDERS::*}
bg_game_border({_arena}, {_time}, {_center})
loop {bg.arena.%{_arena}%.ninjas::*}:
#apply blindness to loop-value for 3 seconds
teleport loop-value to {bg.arena.%{_arena}%.start}
bg_createBoard(loop-value, "BG-GAME", 11)
wait a second

function bg_start_countdown(arena: text):
set {bg.arena.%{_arena}%.status} to "STARTING"
loop {bg.arena.%{_arena}%.seconds} times:
if {bg.arena.%{_arena}%.status} is "STARTING" or "WAITING":
size of {bg.arena.%{_arena}%.ninjas::*} >= 2:
wait a second
remove 1 from {bg.arena.%{_arena}%.seconds}
if {bg.arena.%{_arena}%.seconds} = 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 10:
replace all "{seconds}" in {_msg} with "%{bg.arena.%{_arena}%.seconds}%"
send "%{BG::CONFIG::MESSAGES.PREFIX}% %{_msg}%" to {bg.arena.%{_arena}%.ninjas::*}
send {bg.arena.%{_arena}%.ninjas::*} title "&e&lSTARTING IN &c%{bg.arena.%{_arena}%.seconds}%" with subtitle "&eBATTLE ROYALE" for 1 seconds with 0 second fade in and 0 second fade out
if {bg.arena.%{_arena}%.seconds} = 1:
size of {bg.arena.%{_arena}%.ninjas::*} >= 2:
set {bg.arena.%{_arena}%.status} to "WAITING"
set {bg.arena.%{_arena}%.seconds} to yaml value "TIMERS.WAITING" from file "plugins/Battlegrounds/config.yml"

function bg_resetarena(arena: text):
loop {bg.arena.%{_arena}%.ninjas::*} and {bg.arena.%{_arena}%.bad-ninjas::*}:
loop "fly", "arena" and "state":
delete {bg.player::%uuid of loop-value-1%.%loop-value-2%}
set loop-value-1's gamemode to spectator
push loop-value-1 upwards at speed 0.5
teleport loop-value-1 to {bg.lobby}
set loop-value-1's gamemode to survival
#need to be removed
loop {bg.arena.%{_arena}%.CHESTS::*}:
clear inventory of block at loop-value
loop {bg.arena.%{_arena}%.KILL-ME-PLS::*}:
set block at loop-value to air
remove loop-value from {bg.arena.%{_arena}%.KILL-ME-PLS::*}
delete {bg.arena.%{_arena}%.KILL-ME-PLS::*}
delete {bg.arena.%{_arena}%.ninjas::*} and {bg.arena.%{bg.player::%{_uuid}%.arena}%.bad-ninjas::*}
delete {bg.arena.%{_arena}%.CHESTS::*}
set {bg.arena.%{_arena}%.border.status} to ""
loop all entities in radius 50000 around {bg.arena.%{_arena}}:
clear loop-entity
set {bg.arena.%{_arena}%.seconds} to yaml value "TIMERS.WAITING" from file "plugins/Battlegrounds/config.yml"
set {bg.arena.%{_arena}%.status} to "WAITING"

function bg_clear_player(p: player):
heal {_p}
extinguish {_p}
set {_p}'s food to 20
clear {_p}'s level
clear {_p}'s inventory
set {_p}'s gamemode to survival
set {_p}'s flight mode to false
milk {_p}
loop "LAST-HIT", "BG-DEATH" and "BG-LANDED", "BG-FLY":
delete metadata value "%loop-value%" of {_p}

function bg_deleteBoard(p: player):
loop "BG-GAME" and "BG-WAITING":
if stylish scoreboard "%loop-value-1%-%{_p}%" exists:
loop 15 times:
delete the id based score "%{_p}%Slot%loop-number-2%" in stylish scoreboard "%loop-value-1%-%{_p}%"
delete stylish scoreboard "%loop-value-1%-%{_p}%"

function bg_setSlot(p: player, board: text, slot: integer, t: text):
add "&a", "&b", "&c", "&d", "&e", "&1", "&2", "&3", "&4", "&5", "&6", "&7", "&8", "&9" and "&f" to {_d::*}
if {_slot} is between 1 and 15:
set text of id "%{_p}%Slot%{_slot}%" to "%{_d::%{_slot}%}%%{_t}%"

function bg_createBoard(p: player, t: text, size: integer = 15):
set {_uuid} to uuid of {_p}
add "&a", "&b", "&c", "&d", "&e", "&1", "&2", "&3", "&4", "&5", "&6", "&7", "&8", "&9" and "&f" to {_d::*}
if stylish scoreboard "%{_t}%-%{_p}%" does not exist:
create new stylish scoreboard named "%{_t}%-%{_p}%"
loop {_size} times:
create a new id based score "%{_p}%Slot%loop-number%" with text "%{_d::%loop-number%}%" slot loop-number for stylish scoreboard "%{_t}%-%{_p}%"
wait a tick
set stylish scoreboard of {_p} to "%{_t}%-%{_p}%"
if {_t} is "BG-GAME":
set title of stylish scoreboard "BG-GAME-%{_p}%" to "&eBATTLE ROYALE"
while {bg.arena.%{bg.player::%{_uuid}%.arena}%.status} is "INGAME":
if location of {_p} is in within border:
set {_state} to "&aSAFE"
set {_state} to "&cNOT SAFE"
if stylish scoreboard "BG-GAME-%{_p}%" exists:
bg_setSlot({_p}, "BG-GAME", 11, "&7%now%")
bg_setSlot({_p}, "BG-GAME", 10, "")
bg_setSlot({_p}, "BG-GAME", 9, "&8&l» &a%{bg.arena.%{bg.player::%{_uuid}%.arena}%.border.status}%")
bg_setSlot({_p}, "BG-GAME", 8, "")
bg_setSlot({_p}, "BG-GAME", 7, "&8&l» &fLOCATION %{_state}%")
bg_setSlot({_p}, "BG-GAME", 6, "&8&l» &aSize %{bg.arena.%{bg.player::%{_uuid}%.arena}%.border-size}%&am")
bg_setSlot({_p}, "BG-GAME", 5, "")
bg_setSlot({_p}, "BG-GAME", 4, "&8&l» &fKILLS &a%{bg.player::%{_uuid}%.kills}%")
bg_setSlot({_p}, "BG-GAME", 3, "&8&l» &fPLAYERS LEFT &a%size of {bg.arena.%{bg.player::%{_uuid}%.arena}%.ninjas::*}%")
bg_setSlot({_p}, "BG-GAME", 2, "")
bg_setSlot({_p}, "BG-GAME", 1, "%{BG::CONFIG::SCOREBOARD.WEBSITE}%")
wait a second
if {_t} is "BG-WAITING":
set title of stylish scoreboard "BG-WAITING-%{_p}%" to "&eBATTLE ROYALE"
while {bg.arena.%{bg.player::%{_uuid}%.arena}%.status} is "WAITING" or "STARTING":
if stylish scoreboard "BG-WAITING-%{_p}%" exists:
bg_setSlot({_p}, "BG-WAITING", 7, "&7%now%")
bg_setSlot({_p}, "BG-WAITING", 6, "")
bg_setSlot({_p}, "BG-WAITING", 5, "&8&l» &fSTARTING IN &a%{bg.arena.%{bg.player::%{_uuid}%.arena}%.seconds}%")
bg_setSlot({_p}, "BG-WAITING", 4, "")
bg_setSlot({_p}, "BG-WAITING", 3, "&8&l» &fPLAYERS &a%size of {bg.arena.%{bg.player::%{_uuid}%.arena}%.ninjas::*}%")
bg_setSlot({_p}, "BG-WAITING", 2, "")
bg_setSlot({_p}, "BG-WAITING", 1, "%{BG::CONFIG::SCOREBOARD.WEBSITE}%")
wait a second

indentation error: expected 3 tabs, but found 12 spaces (, line 317: teleport victim to {bg.arena.%{bg.player::%uuid of victim%.arena}%.lobby}')
[20:58:46] [Server thread/ERROR] [Minecraft]: indentation error: expected 5 tabs, but found 20 spaces (, line 683: send {bg.arena.%{_arena}%.ninjas::*} title "&e&lSTARTING IN &c%{bg.arena.%{_arena}%.seconds}%" with subtitle "&eBATTLE ROYALE" for 1 seconds with 0 second fade in and 0 second fade out')
[20:58:47] [Server thread/ERROR] [Minecraft]: Can't understand this condition/effect: set diameter of world "%{bg.arena.%{_arena}}'s world%" to {_size} over 2 minutes (, line 618: set diameter of world "%{bg.arena.%{_arena}}'s world%" to {_size} over 2 minutes')
[20:58:47] [Server thread/ERROR] [Minecraft]: Can't understand this condition/effect: set center of world "%{bg.arena.%{_arena}}'s world%" to {bg.arena.%{_arena}} (, line 634: set center of world "%{bg.arena.%{_arena}}'s world%" to {bg.arena.%{_arena}}')
[20:58:47] [Server thread/ERROR] [Minecraft]: Can't understand this condition/effect: set diameter of world "%{bg.arena.%{_arena}}'s world%" to {bg.arena.%{_arena}%.border-size} (, line 635: set diameter of world "%{bg.arena.%{_arena}}'s world%" to {bg.arena.%{_arena}%.border-size}')
[20:58:47] [Server thread/ERROR] [Minecraft]: Can't compare a location with 'in within border' (, line 755: if location of {_p} is in within border:')
[20:58:47] [Server thread/ERROR] [Minecraft]: 'else' has to be placed just after an 'if' or 'else if' section (, line 757: else:')

Could someone fix me my mistake?
make console execute command "minecraft:worldborder set 500 60"
This uses the built in minecraft world border command but it actually would work quite well im guessing. The worldborder automatically shrinks to size 500 in this example in a matter of 60 seconds.

or you could probably do loops and other stuff too
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