Discord Thread entity health

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You set the local variable in 1 event and its only use case is for that event, you cant use a local variable in other events

Posted by: falzz from the skUnity Discord.
on spawn of cow:
  wait 1 tick
  set {_entity} to event-entity
  set {_entity}'s name to "Cow &7[&r&4&l❤&r&8:&c %{_entity}'s health*2%&7]"
on damage:
  if victim is a cow:
    set victim's name to "Cow &7[&r&4&l❤&r&8:&c %{_entity}'s health*2%&7]"
it updates
but the health is 0 after i damage the cow

Posted by: _aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa_ from the skUnity Discord.
on spawn of cow:
  wait 1 tick
  set {_hp} to last spawned cow's health * 2
  set last spawned cow's name to "&cCow &8[&r&4&l❤&r&8:&c %{_hp}%&8]"
on damage:
  if victim is a cow:
    wait 1 tick
    set {_hp} to victim's health * 2
    set victim's name to "&cCow &8[&r&4&l❤&r&8:&c %{_hp}%&8]"

Posted by: finrex01 from the skUnity Discord.
on spawn of entity:
  set {_entity} to event-entity
  set {_entity}'s name to "%{_entity}% &7[&r&4&l❤&r&8:&c %{_entity}'s health*2%&7]"
  wait 1 tick
  set {_hp} to last spawned entity's health * 2
  set last spawned entity's name to "%entity's name% &7[&r&4&l❤&r&8:&c %{_hp}%&7]"
on damage:
  if victim is an entity:
    wait 1 tick
    set {_hp} to victim's health * 2
    set victim's name to "%victim% &7[&r&4&l❤&r&8:&c %{_hp}%&7]"
can you help me make the first letter a capital letter?
the first letter of the mob's name

Posted by: _aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa_ from the skUnity Discord.
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