Solved enchant menu not working and no errors?

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Jul 2, 2018
it says there's no errors but it still doesn't work? plz help
command /upgrade [<text>]:
        if arg-1 is not set:
            open chest with 5 rows named "&2&lEnchant din fiskestang!" to player
            wait 3 ticks
            format slot 13 of player with enchanted book named "&aUnbreaking III" with lore "&6Koster &a500$" to close then run [ make player execute command "/upgrade u3"]
            format slot 12 of player with enchanted book named "&aUnbreaking II" with lore "&6Koster &a350$" to close then run [ make player execute command "/upgrade u2"]
            format slot 11 of player with enchanted book named "&aUnbreaking I" with lore "&6Koster &a250$" to close then run [ make player execute command "/upgrade u1"]
            format slot 22 of player with enchanted book named "&aLuck of the sea III" with lore "&6Koster &a1000$" to close then run [ make player execute command "/upgrade l3"]
            format slot 21 of player with enchanted book named "&aLuck of the sea II" with lore "&6Koster &a750$" to close then run [ make player execute command "/upgrade l2"]
            format slot 20 of player with enchanted book named "&aLuck of the sea I" with lore "&6Koster &a500$" to close then run [ make player execute command "/upgrade l1"]
            format slot 31 of player with enchanted book named "&aLure III" with lore "&6Koster &a1000$" to close then run [ make player execute command "/upgrade lu3"]
            format slot 30 of player with enchanted book named "&aLure II" with lore "&6Koster &a750$" to close then run [ make player execute command "/upgrade lu2"]
            format slot 29 of player with enchanted book named "&aLure I" with lore "&6Koster &a500$" to close then run [ make player execute command "/upgrade lu1"]
        if arg-1 is "u3":
            if player is holding a fishing rod:
                if player's balance is between 500 and 100000000:
                    send "&2&l[Farmland!]>>&7 Du købte &aUnbreaking 3"
                    subtract 500 from player's balance
                    enchant tool of player with unbreaking 3
        if arg-1 is "u2":
            if player is holding a fishing rod:
                if player's balance is between 350 and 100000000:
                    send "&2&l[Farmland!]>>&7 Du købte &aUnbreaking 2"
                    subtract 350 from player's balance
                    enchant tool of player with unbreaking 2
        if arg-1 is "u1":
            if player is holding a fishing rod:
                if player's balance is between 250 and 100000000:
                    send "&2&l[Farmland!]>>&7 Du købte &aUnbreaking 1"
                    subtract 250 from player's balance
                    enchant tool of player with unbreaking 1
        if arg-1 is "l3":
            if player is holding a fishing rod:
                if player's balance is between 1000 and 100000000:
                    send "&2&l[Farmland!]>>&7 Du købte &aLuck of the sea 3"
                    subtract 1000 from player's balance
                    enchant tool of player with luck of the sea 3
        if arg-1 is "l2":
            if player is holding a fishing rod:
                if player's balance is between 750 and 100000000:
                    send "&2&l[Farmland!]>>&7 Du købte &aLuck of the sea 2"
                    subtract 750 from player's balance
                    enchant tool of player with luck of the sea 2
        if arg-1 is "l1":
            if player is holding a fishing rod:
                if player's balance is between 500 and 100000000:
                    send "&2&l[Farmland!]>>&7 Du købte &aLuck of the sea 1"
                    subtract 500 from player's balance
                    enchant tool of player with luck of the sea 1       
        if arg-1 is "lu3":
            if player is holding a fishing rod:
                if player's balance is between 1000 and 100000000:
                    send "&2&l[Farmland!]>>&7 Du købte &aLure 3"
                    subtract 1000 from player's balance
                    enchant tool of player with lure 3
        if arg-1 is "lu2":
            if player is holding a fishing rod:
                if player's balance is between 750 and 100000000:
                    send "&2&l[Farmland!]>>&7 Du købte &aLure 2"
                    subtract 750 from player's balance
                    enchant tool of player with lure 2
        if arg-1 is "lu1":
            if player is holding a fishing rod:
                if player's balance is between 500 and 100000000:
                    send "&2&l[Farmland!]>>&7 Du købte &aLure 1"
                    subtract 500 from player's balance
                    enchant tool of player with lure 1
it says there's no errors but it still doesn't work? plz help
command /upgrade [<text>]:
        if arg-1 is not set:
            open chest with 5 rows named "&2&lEnchant din fiskestang!" to player
            wait 3 ticks
            format slot 13 of player with enchanted book named "&aUnbreaking III" with lore "&6Koster &a500$" to close then run [ make player execute command "/upgrade u3"]
            format slot 12 of player with enchanted book named "&aUnbreaking II" with lore "&6Koster &a350$" to close then run [ make player execute command "/upgrade u2"]
            format slot 11 of player with enchanted book named "&aUnbreaking I" with lore "&6Koster &a250$" to close then run [ make player execute command "/upgrade u1"]
            format slot 22 of player with enchanted book named "&aLuck of the sea III" with lore "&6Koster &a1000$" to close then run [ make player execute command "/upgrade l3"]
            format slot 21 of player with enchanted book named "&aLuck of the sea II" with lore "&6Koster &a750$" to close then run [ make player execute command "/upgrade l2"]
            format slot 20 of player with enchanted book named "&aLuck of the sea I" with lore "&6Koster &a500$" to close then run [ make player execute command "/upgrade l1"]
            format slot 31 of player with enchanted book named "&aLure III" with lore "&6Koster &a1000$" to close then run [ make player execute command "/upgrade lu3"]
            format slot 30 of player with enchanted book named "&aLure II" with lore "&6Koster &a750$" to close then run [ make player execute command "/upgrade lu2"]
            format slot 29 of player with enchanted book named "&aLure I" with lore "&6Koster &a500$" to close then run [ make player execute command "/upgrade lu1"]
        if arg-1 is "u3":
            if player is holding a fishing rod:
                if player's balance is between 500 and 100000000:
                    send "&2&l[Farmland!]>>&7 Du købte &aUnbreaking 3"
                    subtract 500 from player's balance
                    enchant tool of player with unbreaking 3
        if arg-1 is "u2":
            if player is holding a fishing rod:
                if player's balance is between 350 and 100000000:
                    send "&2&l[Farmland!]>>&7 Du købte &aUnbreaking 2"
                    subtract 350 from player's balance
                    enchant tool of player with unbreaking 2
        if arg-1 is "u1":
            if player is holding a fishing rod:
                if player's balance is between 250 and 100000000:
                    send "&2&l[Farmland!]>>&7 Du købte &aUnbreaking 1"
                    subtract 250 from player's balance
                    enchant tool of player with unbreaking 1
        if arg-1 is "l3":
            if player is holding a fishing rod:
                if player's balance is between 1000 and 100000000:
                    send "&2&l[Farmland!]>>&7 Du købte &aLuck of the sea 3"
                    subtract 1000 from player's balance
                    enchant tool of player with luck of the sea 3
        if arg-1 is "l2":
            if player is holding a fishing rod:
                if player's balance is between 750 and 100000000:
                    send "&2&l[Farmland!]>>&7 Du købte &aLuck of the sea 2"
                    subtract 750 from player's balance
                    enchant tool of player with luck of the sea 2
        if arg-1 is "l1":
            if player is holding a fishing rod:
                if player's balance is between 500 and 100000000:
                    send "&2&l[Farmland!]>>&7 Du købte &aLuck of the sea 1"
                    subtract 500 from player's balance
                    enchant tool of player with luck of the sea 1      
        if arg-1 is "lu3":
            if player is holding a fishing rod:
                if player's balance is between 1000 and 100000000:
                    send "&2&l[Farmland!]>>&7 Du købte &aLure 3"
                    subtract 1000 from player's balance
                    enchant tool of player with lure 3
        if arg-1 is "lu2":
            if player is holding a fishing rod:
                if player's balance is between 750 and 100000000:
                    send "&2&l[Farmland!]>>&7 Du købte &aLure 2"
                    subtract 750 from player's balance
                    enchant tool of player with lure 2
        if arg-1 is "lu1":
            if player is holding a fishing rod:
                if player's balance is between 500 and 100000000:
                    send "&2&l[Farmland!]>>&7 Du købte &aLure 1"
                    subtract 500 from player's balance
                    enchant tool of player with lure 1
what doesnt work
the skript. it opens fine, all she stuff is in there but when i press one of the enchant books with a fishing rod in my hand nothing happens
the skript. it opens fine, all she stuff is in there but when i press one of the enchant books with a fishing rod in my hand nothing happens
Maybe you don't have enough balance?
Also, why are you checking if the player's balance is between 500 and 100000000 when you can check if it's greater than 459 or if it's more or equal to 500?
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