EmpireEco (Skript Item Based Economy) | [BANKER] [API]

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Aug 13, 2018
a page design is being worked on.
EmpireEco is an Item Based Economy plugin.
It was meant for RPG servers that wish to have a similar
coin system like MMO games (e. g. WoW or GuildWars 2)
This version is BETA. Please report any bugs you can find in the discussions section and not the reviews.

- Custom Syntaxes (API)
* You can use them if you want to have some of EmpireEco's features in your own scripts. (e. g. Shops)
- YML Configuration and Data Storage
- 3 Types of coins (Bronze, Silver, Gold)
- Banker to view the amount of coins you have and withdraw|dopist them.
- Well-written coins system.
* The system will always auto-check if you reach 100 bronze. It will remove 100 bronze and add 1 to silver, and so on.
- Chat withdraw system
* The withdraw system is something I like. Send the amount of coins you wish to withdraw in chat
after enabling the withdraw mode from the banker menu.
- Withdraw with 3 different mouse buttons.

* Yes, right|left|middle mouse button, each will withdraw one type of coins.
By default it's left for bronze, right for silver and middle for gold.
- and much more...

Player Commands = epe.player
- /banker - opens the main banker menu
- /coins - Tells you what you have in your vault without the need of the banker's menu
Admin Commands = epe.admin
- /epe - open the help menu for admin commands
- /epe coins <give/take/reset> <player> <amount> - give/take/reset player's stats
- /epe coins <list/stats/get> <player> - get the stats from another player
- /epe reload - reload the plugin

Syntaxes (API):
[SIZE=4][FONT=Droid Sans]
    # remove a specific amount of type of coins from player's vault. Behaves just like the command.
    subtract %number% bronze|silver|gold (from|of) (%player%'s vault|vault of %player%)
    # add a specific amount of type of coins to player's vault. Behaves just like the command.
    add %number% bronze|silver|gold to (%player%'s vault|vault of %player%)

    # Remove a specific amount of type of coins from player's inventory
    remove %number% [of] bronze|silver|gold coin[s] from %player%'s inventory

    # If you want to get the amount of the player's type of coin.
    %player%'s bronze|silver|gold

    # Get the amount of type of coin from player's inventory. Physical items.
    [amount of] bronze|silver|gold [found] in %player%'s inventory

    # Get the yaml value of a module.
    [empire[eco]] status (of|from) module %text%:

    # Condition to check if the module is true or false
    [empire[eco]] status (of|from) module %text% is true|false:

- Skript [Tested with Bensku 2.2 Dev37]
- skRayFall v1.9.12+
- SkQuery v3.6.1-lime+
- Skellett v1.9.6b+
- skript-mirror v0.18.0+
- skript-yaml v1.2.4+
- skUtilities v0.9.2+
- TuSKe 1.8.2-Pikachu-Patch-3+

Support will only be given through discord, here or on Github.
If you report a bug in the reviews and ask for support, you will be ignored.
Use the discussions.

- You may not claim this as yours
- You may not re-post this code anywhere without permission