/dupe plugin for cosmic tests

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Jun 11, 2020
Category: dupe

Suggested name: Dupe

Spigot/Skript Version: 1.8.8 #46 spigot

What I want:
A simple dupe command that only dupes books simple - heroic and not ,mastery
because its for cosmic tests to make sets lol and not dupe anything else cuz that will be broken

Ideas for commands:
Ideas for permissions:
idk wat a permission is
When I'd like it by: any time
Last edited:
command /dupe:
        player has permission "dupe.use":
            if player's held item is book, book and quill or enchanted book:
                give player's tool to player
                send "&dYour item was duped" to player
                send "&dYou cannot dupe that item" to player

if you don't want to be able to dupe enchanted book just remove the , next to book and put or and remove enchanted book
command dupe <int=1>:
    permission: dupe.use
    permission message: &cInsufficient permissions!
    usage: &c/dupe [amount]
        give (arg * item amount of player's tool) of player's tool to player if player's tool is book, book and quill or enchanted book
command dupe <int=1>:
    permission: dupe.use
    permission message: &cInsufficient permissions!
    usage: &c/dupe [amount]
        give (arg * item amount of player's tool) of player's tool to player if player's tool is book, book and quill or enchanted book
i already did it