Dinamic pages, based on MySQL Query, show 10 rows per page

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Feb 17, 2017
Hello guys,

I have many IP records concerning to my user stored in a MySQL Table,
so I must do a Query like this:

SELECT IP FROM ipTables WHERE UserName = 'Martini002'

I do not know how many records there are, how can I display 10 records per page?

Idea 1:
- Store the query result in a array
- In case of the second argument used in the command:
/iphistory Martini002 2
then set pos1 = (arg-2 * 10) and pos2 = (arg-2 * 10 + 10)
- Show items from pos1 to pos2 of that array

Idea 2:
- Count the max rows for Martini002:
SELECT COUNT('IP') FROM ipTables WHERE UserName = 'Martini002'
Store that result and set maxPages = result/10 (Rounding it to the next number)
- In case of the second argument used in the command:
/iphistory Martini002 2
then do this query:
SELECT IP FROM ipTables WHERE UserName = 'Martini002' Limit 10 OFFSET '%arg-2*10%'


The problem here is:
- I am newbie using Skript, I just made one SK and works very nice with MySQL but not sure if the method that I am using is the most efficient for doing queries.
- I do not know how to use arrays, one guy was explaining me about sections, but I did not understood very well how to use them.
- I do not know how to round numbers, sorry but the documentation is not very organizated at least I can not find some things.
- I do not know how to store more than one record from queries, I did not find out yet how to perform this.
- Actually I am doing individual queries...

Sorry if I mix various things in this thread but, I need your help..


Look at this example when performing a query:

        #Query how many refers have this player
        set {_result} to mysql result of query "SELECT COUNT(`Referente`) From lncbunonlinetime.referidos WHERE `Referente` = '%arg-2%'" 
        set {_refPlayer::*} to mysql string "COUNT(`Referente`)" in {_result} 
        set {totalRef-%arg-2%} to {_refPlayer::1}
        #Who was the last refered       
        set {_result} to mysql result of query "SELECT `Nombre`  From lncbunonlinetime.referidos WHERE `Referente` = '%arg-2%' ORDER BY `FechaRegistro` DESC LIMIT 1" 
        set {_refPlayer::*} to mysql string "Nombre" in {_result} 
        set {ultRef-%arg-2%} to {_refPlayer::1}      

        #Date of the latest refer
        set {_result} to mysql result of query "SELECT `FechaRegistro`  From lncbunonlinetime.referidos WHERE `Referente` = '%arg-2%' ORDER BY `FechaRegistro` DESC LIMIT 1" 
        set {_refPlayer::*} to mysql string "FechaRegistro" in {_result} 
        set {ultRefFecha-%arg-2%} to {_refPlayer::1}
        set {_refPlayer::*} to "Nadie lo ha referido aun.."

        #Who refer him
        set {_result} to mysql result of query "SELECT `Referente` FROM `referidos` WHERE `Nombre` = '%arg-2%' " 
        set {_refPlayer::*} to mysql string "Referente" in {_result} 
        set {referente-%arg-2%} to {_refPlayer::1}

I hate this example, it must be done with less code.. But I do not know yet how to work with arrays


I am using Skellett addon for MySQL.

Hope you can guide me

[doublepost=1487544268,1487472796][/doublepost]@LimeGlass can you help me here please?
With SkQuery, you can easily get the first value of your column like this :
set {_value} to the first element out of objects in column "ip" from result of query "SELECT `ip` FROM `player_ip` WHERE `uuid` = ""%uuid of player%"""
But I don't know how to get a list from multiple rows :/

Personnally, I would like to get easily a value like with skQuery, but with Skellett...
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