determining the block the player is placing on

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Jul 13, 2023
So basically, I want a skript that does this:
When a player places a button, the block he placed the button on should turn into glass.
using event-block or target block both refer to the button that was placed, not the bock it was placed on. Ive also tried block behind event-block and this works fine on all 4 sides, but not for the top or bottom of the block.
What you could do is something with coords and checking the orientation. For example, setting the event-block to a variable (To check the orientation of it for later); then when the player presses the button you could check the orientation (Ie: On the ceiling, floor, etc) and using that you can input a numerical data from the position of the button to turn it to glass (Ie: Button is on ceiling > Set the block above it to glass, button is on ground > set the block below it to glass, etc, etc).