despawn falling blocks?

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Active Member
Sep 23, 2019
How could I despawn falling blocks?
I tried to use "on falling block land" but the event dosen't exist.

My code:
    if player's held item is {@midasstaff}:
        if {delaymidas::%uuid of player%} is not set:
            if {mana::%uuid of player%} is higher than 249:
                send "&aUsed &6Molten Wave&a! &b(250 Mana)" to player
                remove 250 from {mana::%uuid of player%}
                set {_location} to location 4 meters in front of player
                set {delaymidas::%uuid of player%} to true
                set {_location} to location 3 meters above {_location}
                set {_playerfacing} to facing of player
                if {_playerfacing} is north or south:
                    loop 6 times:
                        spawn 1 falling gold block at {_location}
                        spawn 1 falling gold block at location 1 meter west of {_location}
                        spawn 1 falling gold block at location 1 meter east of {_location}
                        set {_location} to location 1 meter in front of {_location}
                        wait 1.5 tick
                    delete {delaymidas::%uuid of player%}
                    wait 4 tick
                    loop all blocks in radius 80 of player:
                        if loop-block is gold block:
                            set loop-block to air
                if {_playerfacing} is east or west:
                    loop 6 times:
                        spawn 1 falling gold block at {_location}
                        spawn 1 falling gold block at location 1 meter north of {_location}
                        spawn 1 falling gold block at location 1 meter south of {_location}
                        set {_location} to location 1 meter in front of {_location}
                        wait 1.5 tick
                    delete {delaymidas::%uuid of player%}
                    wait 4 tick
                    loop all blocks in radius 80 of player:
                        if loop-block is gold block:
                            set loop-block to air
                send "&cYou do not have enough mana to use that!" to player
            send "&cYou are currently on cooldown!" to player

As you can see, I try looping for blocks around the player and removing them, but that dosen't seem to remove all of the blocks? Thanks in advance.
I don't know if you're trying to removed the falling blocks when they land or you're trying to remove the falling blocks in the air. If it's the second one, falling blocks are not blocks. They are entities.

You could just do the same but with looping all entities.
It's pretty obvious im trying to remove them once they land, but I don't really think that's possible.
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