Deactivate Velocity in a certain world?

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Jan 13, 2021
Hello i want to disable the velocity in a certain world but i don't know how to do it.
I am using script 2.2
Hello i want to disable the velocity in a certain world but i don't know how to do it.
I am using script 2.2
# SmoothKnockback
# Needs of the following script to work:

# Uses the following addons:
# skript-mirror
# MundoSK (with ProtocolLib)


    # Multipliers - this is how much the player is pushed to make that 'smooth' effect,
    # the air multipliers are the ones when the player is in the air, i.e. falling.
    horizontalMultiplier: 0.8
    airHorizontalMultiplier: 0.95
    verticalMultiplier: 0.875
    airVerticalMultiplier: 0.95

function applyKnockbackFormula(entity: player, damager: player, x-diff: number, z-diff: number):

    set {_horizontal-distance} to sqrt(({_x-diff}^2) * ({_z-diff}^2))
    set {_vertical-distance} to 0.4
    set {_velocity} to velocity of {_entity} // vector(2, 2, 2)
    remove ({_x-diff} / {_horizontal-distance}) * {_vertical-distance} from x of {_velocity}
    set y of {_velocity} to {_vertical-distance}
       remove ({_z-diff} / {_horizontal-distance}) * {_vertical-distance} from z of {_velocity}
    if y of {_velocity} is greater than 0.4000000059604645:
        set y of {_velocity} to 0.4000000059604645
    set {_i} to 0 + knockback level in {_damager}'s tool
    if {_damager} is sprinting:
        add 1 to {_i}
    if {_i} > 0:
        add (sin((yaw of {_damager} * 3.1415927) / 180) * i * 0.5) * -1 to x of {_velocity}
        add 0.1 to y of {_velocity}
        add (cos((yaw of {_damager} * 3.1415927) / 180) * i * 0.5) * -1 to z of {_velocity}
    set velocity of {_entity} to {_velocity}

function sendKnockbackPacket(entity: player, x: number, y: number, z: number):

    set {_packet} to new play_server_entity_velocity packet
    set {_entity}'s world pentity 0 of {_packet to {_entity}
    set int pnum 1 of {_packet} to {_x} * 8000
    set int pnum 2 of {_packet} to {_y} * 8000
    set int pnum 3 of {_packet} to {_z} * 8000
    send packet {_packet} to all players

on damage of player:

    victim is a player
    if victim's no damage ticks is less than (victim's max no damage ticks / 2):
        if mod(victim's y-pos, 1) is 0:
            set {_horizontal-multiplier} to {@horizontalMultiplier}
            set {_vertical-multiplier} to {@verticalMultiplier}
            set {_horizontal-multiplier} to {@airHorizontalMultiplier}
            set {_vertical-multiplier} to {@airVerticalMultiplier}
        set {_x-diff} to attacker's x-pos - victim's x-pos
        set {_z-diff} to attacker-'s z-pos - victim's z-pos
        applyKnockbackFormula(victim, attacker, {_x-diff}, {_z-diff})
        set {_velocity} to velocity of victim
        sendKnockbackPacket(victim, x of {_velocity} * {_horizontal-multiplier}, y of {_velocity} * {_vertical-multiplier}, z of {_velocity} * {_horizontal-multiplier})
on "org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerVelocityEvent":

    set {_player} to event.getPlayer()
    if last damage cause of {_player} is attack:
        cancel event

15 year old nerd like me couldn't do it so im credittng the author of smooth knockback

also idk how do it in a specific world
# SmoothKnockback
# Needs of the following script to work:

# Uses the following addons:
# skript-mirror
# MundoSK (with ProtocolLib)


    # Multipliers - this is how much the player is pushed to make that 'smooth' effect,
    # the air multipliers are the ones when the player is in the air, i.e. falling.
    horizontalMultiplier: 0.8
    airHorizontalMultiplier: 0.95
    verticalMultiplier: 0.875
    airVerticalMultiplier: 0.95

function applyKnockbackFormula(entity: player, damager: player, x-diff: number, z-diff: number):

    set {_horizontal-distance} to sqrt(({_x-diff}^2) * ({_z-diff}^2))
    set {_vertical-distance} to 0.4
    set {_velocity} to velocity of {_entity} // vector(2, 2, 2)
    remove ({_x-diff} / {_horizontal-distance}) * {_vertical-distance} from x of {_velocity}
    set y of {_velocity} to {_vertical-distance}
       remove ({_z-diff} / {_horizontal-distance}) * {_vertical-distance} from z of {_velocity}
    if y of {_velocity} is greater than 0.4000000059604645:
        set y of {_velocity} to 0.4000000059604645
    set {_i} to 0 + knockback level in {_damager}'s tool
    if {_damager} is sprinting:
        add 1 to {_i}
    if {_i} > 0:
        add (sin((yaw of {_damager} * 3.1415927) / 180) * i * 0.5) * -1 to x of {_velocity}
        add 0.1 to y of {_velocity}
        add (cos((yaw of {_damager} * 3.1415927) / 180) * i * 0.5) * -1 to z of {_velocity}
    set velocity of {_entity} to {_velocity}

function sendKnockbackPacket(entity: player, x: number, y: number, z: number):

    set {_packet} to new play_server_entity_velocity packet
    set {_entity}'s world pentity 0 of {_packet to {_entity}
    set int pnum 1 of {_packet} to {_x} * 8000
    set int pnum 2 of {_packet} to {_y} * 8000
    set int pnum 3 of {_packet} to {_z} * 8000
    send packet {_packet} to all players

on damage of player:

    victim is a player
    if victim's no damage ticks is less than (victim's max no damage ticks / 2):
        if mod(victim's y-pos, 1) is 0:
            set {_horizontal-multiplier} to {@horizontalMultiplier}
            set {_vertical-multiplier} to {@verticalMultiplier}
            set {_horizontal-multiplier} to {@airHorizontalMultiplier}
            set {_vertical-multiplier} to {@airVerticalMultiplier}
        set {_x-diff} to attacker's x-pos - victim's x-pos
        set {_z-diff} to attacker-'s z-pos - victim's z-pos
        applyKnockbackFormula(victim, attacker, {_x-diff}, {_z-diff})
        set {_velocity} to velocity of victim
        sendKnockbackPacket(victim, x of {_velocity} * {_horizontal-multiplier}, y of {_velocity} * {_vertical-multiplier}, z of {_velocity} * {_horizontal-multiplier})
on "org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerVelocityEvent":

    set {_player} to event.getPlayer()
    if last damage cause of {_player} is attack:
        cancel event

15 year old nerd like me couldn't do it so im credittng the author of smooth knockback

also idk how do it in a specific world

Probably use "in world" lol.
Could be wrong. Maybe "is in world (world)" would work.
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