data not sving

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Dec 4, 2019
Hi. so this is not so mutch skript but rather everything with minercraft server... my server doesn't save players data, inventory, essentials bal and etc etc etc

skript doesn't get saved and overall nothing get saved when player change name
its like they are a new profile when they change name and join the server

Yes i have %player% toggle to auto uuid and its not only a problem with skript, its a problem with all plugins...

plz someone help need HELP ASAP
Hi. so this is not so mutch skript but rather everything with minercraft server... my server doesn't save players data, inventory, essentials bal and etc etc etc

skript doesn't get saved and overall nothing get saved when player change name
its like they are a new profile when they change name and join the server

Yes i have %player% toggle to auto uuid and its not only a problem with skript, its a problem with all plugins...

plz someone help need HELP ASAP

Pls rever to ur host propably the host is protecting its files and doesn't allow the plugins to write to files
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