Solved Custom heads regen on mine

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Jan 26, 2017
Hello everyone, I'm trying to figure out how I can get custom heads to regen after being mined, here is a screenshot of what I mean


I want them to dissapear for a couple of seconds after being mined and them have them come back after a couple of seconds, that code I can make my problem is I can't figure out how to get them to reappear in the same position with the same skin

I've tried alot of variations of code but this is my latest and I haven't had any luck:
Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

on mine:
  if player is in region "greenorbmine":
    set {_block} to event-block
    set {_nbt} to nbt of event-block
    cancel the event
    give player {_block} with NBT {_nbt}
    set event-block to air
    wait 3 seconds
    set event-block to {_block} with NBT {_nbt}
So i don't know how to do this with the skin. Without the skin it should work like this:

on mine of head:
    if "%region at player%" is "greenorbmine":
        cancel the event
        set {_type} to type of event-block
        set {_location} to location of event-block
        give player {_type}
        set block at {_location} to air
        wait 3 seconds
        set block at {_location} to {_type}
        clear {_location}
        clear {_type}
This is reaallllyy tricky to do.
I'll try it (again) tomorrow.

What I've got until now:
- You cannot give a head with the nbt of what was in the ground (it gets really huge and doesn't work), but you can get the owner by splitting it, then using {SkullOwner<something>:%split you have done%} in the nbt of player's item.
- To put the head back in the ground, all you gotta do is save the nbt, and then set head:3 in the ground with the nbt you saved (if the nbt is <none> it will crash).
This is reaallllyy tricky to do.
I'll try it (again) tomorrow.

What I've got until now:
- You cannot give a head with the nbt of what was in the ground (it gets really huge and doesn't work), but you can get the owner by splitting it, then using {SkullOwner<something>:%split you have done%} in the nbt of player's item.
- To put the head back in the ground, all you gotta do is save the nbt, and then set head:3 in the ground with the nbt you saved (if the nbt is <none> it will crash).
Awesome! Thanks for looking into it, I'll keep trying stuff out with the info you've gathered
So I couldn't really figure out how to do it but I did manage to achieve essentially the same thing with vanilla commands, this is the code I currently have

on mine:
  if "%region at player%" contains "greenorbmine":
    cancel event
    set {_wait} to a random number between 20 and 80
    set {_nbt} to nbt of event-block
    set {_location} to location of event-block
    set block at {_location} to air
    set {_item} to player head with custom nbt "{display:{Name:""Geen Orb""},SkullOwner:{Id:""948d2211-0eec-4bd9-a7b7-8679892f13b5"",Properties:{textures:[{Value:""eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZGM2YmFjZDM2ZWQ2MGY1MzMxMzhlNzU5YzQyNTk0NjIyMmI3OGVkYTZiNjE2MjE2ZjZkY2MwOGU5MGQzM2UifX19""}]}}}" named "&2Green Ore"
    drop {_item} at {_location}
    loop {_wait} times:
      wait 1 second
    execute console command "/setblock %{_location}'s x-coordinate% %{_location}'s y-coordinate% %{_location}'s z-coordinate% minecraft:skull 5 replace %{_nbt}%"

It works great for the most part except "minecraft:skull 5" represents the way the skull is facing I think/the rotation and I couldn't really think of an easy way to gather the information while mining it, I don't know where it is stored, I thought "Rot:x" in the nbt was it but I'm just not sure to be honest, I decided to just leave it as is, the mine works fairly well and the illusion that the ore is regenerating slowly is there so I'm happy with it
on break:
    event-block is mob head block
    cancel event
    give mob head item:3 with nbt "{SkullOwner:%tag ""Owner"" of nbt of event-block%}" named "&aTricky" with lore "&7Use it for the trickiest things||&7you can think about..." to player
    set {_nbtsave} to "%nbt of event-block%"
    set event-block to air
    wait "%a random number between 20 and 60% seconds" parsed as timespan
    set block at event-location to mob head block:1
    add {_nbtsave} to nbt of block at event-location

Works 100% with rotation, no external commands, gives everything without bigger problems. The only problem is if the head has no name, then the SkullOwner will be <none> (it is pretty easy to fix that).

Hope I've helped ;P
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on break:
    event-block is mob head block
    cancel event
    give mob head item:3 with nbt "{SkullOwner:%tag ""Owner"" of nbt of event-block%}" named "&aTricky" with lore "&7Use it for the trickiest things||&7you can think about..." to player
    set {_nbtsave} to "%nbt of event-block%"
    set event-block to air
    wait "%a random number between 20 and 60% seconds" parsed as timespan
    set block at event-location to mob head block:1
    add {_nbtsave} to nbt of block at event-location

Works 100% with rotation, no external commands, gives everything without bigger problems. The only problem is if the head has no name, then the SkullOwner will be <none> (it is pretty easy to fix that).

Hope I've helped ;P
Amazing! Works like a charm, thanks alot for the help!
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