Custom Enchantment levels

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Active Member
Aug 5, 2018
Hello, I have a question about custom enchantments. Im currently making about 5-10 enchantments. But the issue im having is, when I try to add a enantment LvL 1-5, it just adds another lore instead of adding a level. Ill post the code I currently have now. But if someone can show me how to add many levels to a custom enchantment, it will be very much appreciated! I also tried to make a variable to show the level, but I couldn't get it to work.


command /Cursed [<player>]:
    permission: gooey.*
        give player a enchanted book named "&cCursed" with lore "&7&m---------------||&7- &bThere is a small chance||&7- &byou can wither your enemy!||&7&m---------------||&7- &cDrag and drop||&7- &cThe enchantment||&7- &cOnto your tool!||&7&m---------------"

on inventory click:
    if player's gamemode is survival or creative:
        if type of clicked slot is any chestplate:
            if player's cursor slot is an enchanted book:
                if name of player's cursor slot is "&cCursed":
                    if player is holding any chestplate:
                        set {_lore} to lore of player's cursor slot
                        if {_lore} contains colored "you can wither your enemy!":
                            cancel event
                            set player's cursor slot to air
                            execute player command "/cursedbook"

command /cursedbook2:
        set {_lore::*} to lore of player's held item
        set {_size} to size of {_lore::*} + 1
        set {_lore::%{_size}%} to "&cCursed II"
        set lore of player's held item to join {_lore::*} with "||"
If you still need help on this:

Try to delete the current item and create a new item with the updated lore in the same state.
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