Hi ! I have a annoying bug with Skript which appeared recently. Some script aren't reloading and feedback for exemple this in the log.
Here is the skript, line 54 and maybe 52 seems to be the origin of the problem.
The function is
Here is the skript, line 54 and maybe 52 seems to be the origin of the problem.
The function is
# Test si le joueur est bien dans la liste.
function PlayerIsInList(p: player,players: strings) :: boolean:
if {_players::*} is set:
loop {_players::*}:
set {_check::*} to groups 0 of loop-value matched to "^[0-9a-f]{8}-([0-9a-f]{4}-){3}[0-9a-f]{12}$"
if {_check::1} is set:
set {_players::%loop-index%} to player from "%loop-value%"
clear {_check::*}
if "%{_players::%loop-index%}%" is "%{_p}%":
return true
return false
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