Solved Corner to Corner

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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
Is more Question than Help.. This is reason why i don't use Template.


My Question. is there any way, that i can Loop all blocks from corner to corner? Because we have currently all newste version and we was trying around with loop blocks from loc1 to loc2 but. it didn't work. so we set it then to blocks. is still works but... not very. Its just doing Vector works. but i want from corner to corner like "PlotMe"

So someone know what did we wrong?

We still running Spigot 1.11.2...
Try this:
function blocksWithin(loc1: location, loc2: location) :: locations:
    set {_topBlockX} to {_loc1}'s x-pos < {_loc2}'s x-pos ? {_loc2}'s x-pos : {_loc1}'s x-pos
#This is an expression of skQuery, if you know Java, you surely knows what it does, but if not, it's basically:
#if some boolean is true return an object else return other
    set {_topBlockY} to {_loc1}'s y-pos < {_loc2}'s y-pos ? {_loc2}'s y-pos : {_loc1}'s y-pos
    set {_topBlockZ} to {_loc1}'s z-pos < {_loc2}'s z-pos ? {_loc2}'s z-pos : {_loc1}'s z-pos
    set {_bottomBlockX} to {_loc1}'s x-pos > {_loc2}'s x-pos ? {_loc2}'s x-pos : {_loc1}'s x-pos
    set {_bottomBlockY} to {_loc1}'s y-pos > {_loc2}'s y-pos ? {_loc2}'s y-pos : {_loc1}'s y-pos
    set {_bottomBlockZ} to {_loc1}'s z-pos > {_loc2}'s z-pos ? {_loc2}'s z-pos : {_loc1}'s z-pos
    loop integers from {_bottomBlockX} to {_topBlockX}:
        loop integers from {_bottomBlockZ} to {_topBlockZ}:
            loop integers from {_bottomBlockY} to {_topBlockY}:
                add location(loop-num-1, loop-num-2, loop-num-3, {_loc1}'s world) to {_blocks::*}
    return {_blocks::*}

Copied from this bukkit post (thanks to @Tlatoani such as he is who did the loop thingy there), although it return locations, not blocks, you can use the "block at" expression for get the block at that location.
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Great. Thanks. but.... Its not working very fine... Its output just nothing. we have trying with debugs. its just say evertime "-119" (X pos of one corner) i don't know... what... i just don't understand this code. :S

Now i got Informantion. we got Bensku skript.
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